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  1. bayocum

    Bresse Chickens

    Hey Hey brother, I'm very excited about the IRs, but we need to go a couple of generations and see what happens. So far, nice table size and awesome layers.... Time will tell. :)
  2. bayocum

    Bresse Chickens

    I would agree with piglett. Do cornish X gain weight faster than AB? Yes. Do Leghorns lay more eggs than AB? Likely. But I think that sounds like an industry argument that misses the point. If we were to do a 5 year trial, closed flock, with birds raised in a natural environment...
  3. bayocum

    Bresse Chickens

    Hi Chiqita, This is a great discussion, well, for some people I guess ;-) Sorry, it's the attorney coming out in me. I'm not an expert in this area, but I have done some research and education over the years as a student of enology. So as I teach my business classes, there's really no...
  4. bayocum

    Bresse Chickens

    On another note, I was recently reading an article in the new Acres magazine (which is dedicated to poultry this month), and one of the authors made the statement that there's really no such thing as a dual-purpose bird. The claim was that it's either a good meat bird, or a good layer, but one...
  5. bayocum

    Bresse Chickens

    Just to clarify…it's not actually illegal to call them La Bresse Gauloise, but the French claim that only birds raised in the Bresse region can be "true" Bresse. Just like they claim that only sparkling wine from the Champagne region can be called Champagne. So in the US people have taken to...
  6. bayocum

    Bresse Chickens

    Hi All, We currently have black, white and blue Bresse on our farm. According to GF, these were all imported from multiple lines. Our White Bresse are from multiple generations of GF birds, our Black are both first and second generations, and our Blue are obviously first. Our longest...
  7. bayocum

    Bresse Chickens

    Bresse are the quickest developing meat bird in our experience, outside of the cornish-x. As a heritage bird, they reach a "finished" weight at about 18-20 weeks. That is, about 3.5 lbs for the pullets and 5 lbs for the cockerels. When talking to restauranteurs, their desired weight for birds...
  8. bayocum

    Bresse Chickens

    We have successfully shipped eggs and chicks to the NE, including a recent shipment (10 days ago?) to upstate NY of 12 chicks with no losses. So we are always happy to offer our Bresse across the country. -Brice @ SF
  9. bayocum

    Bresse Chickens

    Cold can definitely affect shipped eggs, as can a number of other issues, but zero is a hard number to swallow. We use heat packs when the weather drops down as far as it has, and packaging is extremely important. Our birds are laying strong right now if anyone is looking for eggs. On a zero...
  10. bayocum

    Bresse Chickens

    We had similar luck last spring with shipping Black Bresse eggs…its hard to know if its USPS, old eggs, poor packaging…it's always a risk with shipped eggs. That said, we've shipped a lot ourselves and had pretty solid success, but it took a long time to find the right packaging method. We've...
  11. bayocum

    Bresse Chickens

    Didn't take it that way at all…just wondering if you had stumbled on to a "new" source information that would support their experience. No need for apology…we love the conversation.
  12. bayocum

    Bresse Chickens

    Thanks Ron!
  13. bayocum

    Bresse Chickens

    I recently finished a great book, "The Bucolic Plague." In it, the author discussed the concepts of stories and truth. As a former ad-agent turned gentleman farmer, he shared that he came to realize the "truth" in a story has a lot to do with people's experience, perspective, tastes, etc. At...
  14. bayocum

    Bresse Chickens

  15. bayocum

    Bresse Chickens

    Quick note: Our surrogate mother hen and her four chicks: 2 Sulmtalers and 2 Bresse. Head to head trial ? Ha ha.
  16. bayocum

    Bresse Chickens

    In our earlier inquiry to GF, their opinion was that indeed Black Bresse are smaller, but lay a markedly larger, white egg. This is intriguing for us. We really love the breed and would be delighted with an equally prolific variety , even if it's prowess lies in other qualities. We will keep you...
  17. bayocum

    Bresse Chickens

    Finally got some black Bresse started here at Sunbird Farms, along with a blue as well. Anyone had a lot of experience with the black variety? Some of our whites start laying at about 5 months…are the blacks the same? How about dressed weight? We'd love to have your input. Best, Brice @ SF
  18. bayocum

    Bresse Chickens

    At 20 weeks, our pullets (dressed) were 3.5 lbs, and our rooster was 5 lbs. I would say, in my opinion, that it wouldn't hurt for all of America to "adjust our expectations." The more we think of food as a commodity, the less value it has. Then it becomes a pure numbers game. How quickly can...
  19. bayocum

    Bresse Chickens

    We've worked with GF for years, never a question about the quality of their stock. My point is that they do lay a cream egg (as Ron pointed out), not white, and that perhaps some of the strains they've imported may have darker eggs. Not a problem for us. We've seen egg color variation from other...
  20. bayocum

    Bresse Chickens

    The picture I posted a little bit back is the darkest we've had, and she's continued to lay a darker egg. All of our other hens have also laid light cream eggs. I believe GF has continued to import Bresse, perhaps some of the lines lay a darker egg ?
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