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  1. informative

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    I keep all my chickens together - I have leghorns and lafleche chickens maybe 4-5 pounds right in there with Jersey roosters that are 12+ pounds at only 1 year of age (pretty sure I have three or four) BJG roos I named them all BigBoy because I can't tell them apart because they all look like an...
  2. informative

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    yes AND if you can source the roo and hen from two different sources you are another step ahead in the game of getting better chicks out of hatched eggs
  3. informative

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    So do you all find your black Jersey's have very soft fluffy feathers also? These are so much softer than the red chickens feathers for some reason. I am really enjoying the whites quite a lot with one curious issue. Of my five roosters I have one which is bullying some of the girls -...
  4. informative

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    I had always been amazed at how my production reds and red stars and other smaller chickens lay such large and jumbo eggs. The Langshans, Brahmas and Giants lay medium eggs. it finally occurred to me why this is. Evolution. If there was a Jersey Giant that were to lay huge eggs and then sit...
  5. informative

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Jerseys were created using Brahmas Langshans and Javas supposedly. The thing to watch out for when mixing significantly different breeds like black sex links with a Jersey is for example you could wind up with a 14 pound bird with thin legs which would result effectively in a lame chicken...
  6. informative

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    This is a 2 minute video of my new Buff Orps and White Jerseys at almost 2 weeks old. Any ideas which ones maybe catch your eye as particularly good quality is helpful. About 1/4th of the Jerseys are experiencing pasty butts which is why I am feeding boiled or scrambled eggs daily to try to...
  7. informative

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Wow - I don't recall seeing a JG in this color before. Any clues from the source what they crossed in to achieve that coloring? Something speckled or maybe gold laced Wyandotte? nice bird you can see the sturdy legs needed for a giant. My one fear of attempting to cross my giants is if...
  8. informative

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Already ordered mine will be here in a week. From what I read (did a lot of reading) the giants are generally mild mannered toward people and other chickens (if the other chickens are likewise also well mannered). The one exception I read about often is in regard to man-handling their favorite...
  9. informative

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    What mixes have people tried with good results? Anyone ever tried mixing/crossing a JG with a buff Orpington? Langshan? Australorp? Redstar?
  10. informative

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    All chickens drop off egg production after the first 2-3 years. Some have been known to lay into their 7th year but the number of eggs is far fewer than the early years prior. By the fifth or sixth year you'll likely be lucky to get two eggs per week if any. Most people that value egg...
  11. informative

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Same here I just buy from different hatcheries to get a mix of genes and then cull to move toward the ideal chicken for various attributes. I'm not much interested in the SOP for 'show' since I don't plan to show birds. Like I'm actually not keen toward huge birds so size is not an attribute...
  12. informative

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    If they are around long enough to get comfortable with your layout and livestock then you may have provided too much in the way of cover structures and things that block your line of sight. Be sure to try to keep the perimeter of your pen areas clear of things these predators might use for...
  13. informative

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    My Black Australorps are nearly as beautiful as my Black Langshans (same beautiful black with hint of green feathers) and they BA lay a little better more eggs and larger eggs. Will it last for as many years?...probably not. Will they be as long term healthy and hardy, maybe not. Fast layers...
  14. informative

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    I have a Pyrenees guardian dog trained not to hurt the chickens. Its easy with larger birds if you put in the time and sit with him watching the chickens for hours and reward and encourage when he herds them without playing with them (playing usually involves hitting them with those large bear...
  15. informative

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Still begs the questions how they get White Jersey Giants then doesn't it? =)
  16. informative

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    I stand corrected. Someone pointed out that Giants include Java breed and not so much Cochin so there was a breed included which were clean legged.
  17. informative

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    -- didnt know about "NOT" to feed layer to non egg bearing .. oops.. ? so.. any thoughts.. I use my chickens to clean up after my goats. goats are pigs and leave 1/10th of their feed on the ground and are too spoiled or lazy to find the random grains they knock out of their feed buckets...
  18. informative

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    What I find most interesting is the claim that the Jersey Giant is a mixture of Langshan, Cochin and Brahma which seems impossible because all three have feathered legs and are all smaller than the giant which has clean legs and is larger than all three. odd right?
  19. informative

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    NP I've seen giants with gray legs not full yellow but at a minimum they should have solid yellow soles on their feet if they are Giants and as I recall last I checked the Lorps will have pink soles if you can catch em to check
  20. informative

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Jerseys have Yellow legs and Australorps have Gray/Black legs. Note the two in the left of this shot are both Lorps they are large birds (these are all LFs). Red faces. Dark eyes. JG will have lighter eyes and yellow legs just like the buff chicken on the right. of course a JG roo will be...
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