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  1. whiteflare

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР--> 'Fly with the breeze'

    Quote: Woe indeed, Flarious, It's been a while since I last saw you! It has, Sucketatus, and you have obviously been very busy! I admire your post count! Have you seen my stocks?!!?!
  2. whiteflare

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР--> 'Fly with the breeze'

    Hey Attack, that sucks so much
  3. whiteflare

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР--> 'Fly with the breeze'

    Oh, great, great, I'll just sit here fading into the darkness then... looks like the novelty of a new thread has worn out How is everyone? ...Oops, why am I asking again?
  4. whiteflare

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР--> 'Fly with the breeze'

    OK everybody!! Sorry I haven't been on BYC is such a long time! Things are busy, busy, busy. Careers night is coming up, and I've been keeping up with my RL friends, trying to get out of the way of my RL enemies and things are basically chaos Check post one! Thanks to all peeps who sent me...
  5. whiteflare

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР--> 'Fly with the breeze'

    Cloudpuff was underground, where it was cool.
  6. whiteflare

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР--> 'Fly with the breeze'

    I proclaim this thread on the verge of extinction
  7. whiteflare

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР--> 'Fly with the breeze'

    Spock. 1. Brightflight is leader 2. We haven't decided on a deputy yet.
  8. whiteflare

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР--> 'Fly with the breeze'

    Quote: Yes, I think you left halfway through the argument Argument? Do you mind filing me in? I really don't' want to have to comb through the last 50 pages again. The other one when I first made the thread You don't have to look very far, it's on the first ten pages or so.
  9. whiteflare

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР--> 'Fly with the breeze'

    Quote: SPOCK!!! Brightflight is the leader! Read page 1 'scuse me but was there a battle that i missed? Yes, I think you left halfway through the argument
  10. whiteflare

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР--> 'Fly with the breeze'

    Quote: Really? Then CLoudpuff can dusbathe together with Brightflight! Possibly! I remember That time Eaglestar was dustbathing SPOCK!!! Brightflight is the leader! Read page 1
  11. whiteflare

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР--> 'Fly with the breeze'

    Quote: These leaders always seem to be dustbathing. >.> Really? Then CLoudpuff can dusbathe together with Brightflight!
  12. whiteflare

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР--> 'Fly with the breeze'

    Cloudpuff was dustbathing around.
  13. whiteflare

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР--> 'Fly with the breeze'

    Quote: I have sent heny some of the forms. What happened to the chicks and paws of SC? Chicks and Paws of SC? I thought SC was on the epic fighting thread...
  14. whiteflare

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР--> 'Fly with the breeze'

    Gee, I've been busy with the updates. Everyone check the first post, to see if you like everything
  15. whiteflare

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР--> 'Fly with the breeze'

    Quote: I think Spock arrived at JUST the right time "Really? Then who rang that gong? Jesus?" CloudPuff looked up dubiously. ( please dont use the Lord name is vain, OR joke.) she gets out of his hold "it think no one is coming sweety" (...I'm sorry, I am also religious in case you...
  16. whiteflare

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР--> 'Fly with the breeze'

    Quote: (Yeah, he's a bit of an idiot, isn't he?) "Oh well, where are the kits? Red? brightSTAR????!!!!" he shouted exuberantly. (yes ) "i think they are asleep also" she said, slowly she starts to feel heavy (5.....4.......3.......2........) I think Spock arrived at JUST the right time...
  17. whiteflare

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР--> 'Fly with the breeze'

    Quote: CloudPuff scrambles up the walls. "The gong! The gong!" he pants, falling to the bottom again and breaking his leg. Cloudpuff has a knack for breaking his own legs. o.o That's probably why he tripped in the first place, with the broken leg hindering his mobility
  18. whiteflare

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР--> 'Fly with the breeze'

    Quote: (No, he's just on a really bad stroke of luck today! ) "That's great! Let us have a FEAST!" He swept Phoenix off her feet and carried her over to the food pile. "Where is the rest of the clan?" he shouted. () "um, hon, it is nighttime" she keeps a strait face (while im not) (Yeah...
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