10 Cornish X eggs in the incubator!


10 Years
Jul 14, 2009
I posted this in the incubation section of the site but no one responded, I bought 6 cornish x this past March. we culled two and they were huge and delicious. I wanted to see if I could raise some myself but after much reading I wasn't sure they even laid eggs, boy was I wrong. Not only did I find their eggs here and there, some were actually fertilized! The roo was to be culled the day I actually saw the X lay an egg, so we held off, lucky fella! So I gathered my 3 pullets and one cornish x roo in a pen by themselves, oh I have to mention they were 100% free range with a cup of food thrown on the ground. I have consistently gotten 2-3 eggs everyday. Shocking! so I rotated roos, because my X is a giant, wasn't sure if he could do the "deed" but I know my rir roo can.

I guess I was just wondering if anyone had luck with this? I candled one X egg this morning, 4 days in the incubator and I saw a baby!

My daughter is actually using my experiment as hers for her agricultural science project. Her teacher is interested.

Any advice is welcomed! God bless!

The front three eggs are Cornish X, light colored, the three back eggs , darker are my RIR and buff Orpingtons. I've gotten some double yolk from my X's.
I just hatched out three Cornish x babies from my meat birds that I got this past spring and let mature. They are cute!



I just hatched out three Cornish x babies from my meat birds that I got this past spring and let mature. They are cute!

Nice pictures, Luvmybob, I wonder how they will turn out. I kind of want to do the same thing. I thought of mixing the hens with a White Plymouth Rock. They get big too. Keep us in the loop on their growth rate and how they are doing week by week. This is interesting stuff and I want to keep the thread going.
That sounds good. I will post a new picture of them every Saturday. They aren't any bigger than their hatch mates, but the feathers are coming in and are white. I don't know why, but I thought they would be a different color. Thanks for responding y'all!
I'm curious to see how this goes.

Just a note, what you're hatching out aren't CornishX. CornishX are a hybrid, and you're going to have some traits that are like the parents, and some that aren't. You MAY be able to fix the traits you want, and if so, you'll have something really useful.
I am interested too. I am going to keep 3 of my current batch for this also.

If i cannot get a good cx from the cx's i plan to cross with a. Large production red. Or dixie rainbow...

You are doing what i want to. But are 8 months ahead of me,,
Good luck

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