
  1. Rooster_Tyranny

    To cull or not to cull?

    Let me preference this by saying that I'm not allowed to keep roosters because of city ordinances, so keeping him for myself is not an option. Background information: Back in January or February I got 4 more chicks that I added to my existing flock of 5 hens - 1 Brahma pullet, 2 Orloffs that I...
  2. adriayna

    Rooster too Aggressive with Hens - Advice sought

    Hi all, I've had a number of roosters over the years. I've never had one that was like the one I currently have. He's fine with people, can be picked up, etc. He's a patridge cochin rooster, just over 1 year old. But he's horrible with the girls. We have 11 girls in the flock; most of the...
  3. LizzzyJo

    Teenage Rooster Question

    My 3.5 month old Buff Brahma roo has begun being a bit rambunctious toward the girls his same age. He does NOT mess with the older girls ;) With the other babies he is doing what I can only describe as 'pony tail pulling' playground behavior. He bites and pulls their neck feathers, jumps on and...
  4. AltonaAcres

    Dog Grooming

    Hello! We have an 8 month old Mini Australian Shepard who is in desperate need of a brushing. However, if we even show him one of his brushes, he immediately bares his teeth and backs away. We try to brush him and he nips us. This sweet, perfect puppy becomes extremely aggressive if we brush him...
  5. oxymoron71

    4 week old male Coturnix quail aggression- help!

    hi - we are new to quail, so a very steep learning curve going on here!! We have hatched 3 Coturnix, now 4 weeks old, there seems to be 1 male and 2 females. They are in a 2 1/2 x 1 1/2’ guinea pig cage atm which I know is too small - there is a 7 x 2’ run in production. Over the last few days...
  6. plaidpantsuit

    Question about rooster 'gameness'

    I'm introducing my 5 hens to their first (gamefowl) rooster, all has gone well, a few bloody scurfuffles with my top hen through a fence, but they all settled down, and free range together now. Been doing a lot of research here on rooster behavior (he's my first) and there seems to be two main...
  7. Q

    Male button quail chasing female

    Hi there, I wasn't able to upload a video, but I have two male button quails that have been chasing after one of the female quails today. One of them (the original chasing quail, before the other one joined in) seemed to be attempting to peck at her. My quails, most likely two males and three...
  8. B

    Hens pecking at other Hens' combs-drawing blood

    Never had an issue with this until now for whatever reason... A couple of hens are pecking a couple of others and have drawn blood on their combs. They don't look terrible but I am not sure why they are doing it all of a sudden. They have plenty of food, water, and they get some sort of treat in...
  9. muscovymumma


    I need some advice!!! I have two 10 month old female Muscovys who have recently become incredibly aggressive! One is picking on the other by chasing her and pulling out her feathers while the second attacks my feet! They have always been very docile, until I brought a chicken into the mix - I...
  10. IamRainey

    My young roo is getting pushy

    He's about 6 months old. I've seen him try to mount a chicken once. ...don't know how many times he's tried it when I'm not out in the run or if he's succeeded with the older hens yet. I'm not seeing any of my girls looking worked over. My prob is that twice when I was in the run and my back...
  11. VTChicky

    Bully Hen

    So one of my RIR is starting to bully one of my Buffs. Up until now, everyone has been fine, no one is currently injured or sick. Hens are about 6 months old. Yesterday, they seemed fine. Today, Little Red is really going after Honey, seeking her out and chasing and pecking her comb. She...
  12. CSAchook

    When will I know if he is a good one?

    This is my first time raising a cockerel with the intention of keeping him. I have read and carefully followed the advice of Beekissed and @BantyChooks and so far so good. My cream legbar cockerel is 22 weeks old and properly respectful towards me. He is also good to his ladies. He tidbits them...
  13. Bettyboop7499

    Why is my Rooster showing aggression towards ME!

    Hello, So, I don't know what is going on with my 7mo.old Sebright Rooster. Just out of the blue he started showing aggression toward me, (now) there is only four hens and him in the pasture. I'll be giving them treats and he'll jump up and flog me! Lizzy use to let me pick her up and so when I'd...
  14. MisaF

    Increasingly Aggressive 5 month Old Orpington Rooster(s)

    Hi all, I am new to chickens and started my flock in April by ordering eight Buff Orpington hens. Fast forward to August and I have six amazingly sweet and friendly hens and two horrible roosters. Well, one horrible rooster and one who is borderline horrible. :) My one rooster (Cluck Norris)...
  15. Aunna

    Cockerel starting to charge children

    I have a Spitzhauben cockerel (hatched in March), who has recently taken to charging. First it was me, I quickly turned around and stomped at him a few yards. He did it again to my husband last night, who chased him around the backyard yelling at him. But today, when my 3 1/2 year old son was...
  16. dalasgalas

    Need HELP! Over Easy the Rooster...To be or not to be.

    Over Easy my Buff Orpington rooster I have had since he was 3 days old. In the last three years he has become more and more aggressive. He has put his spurs through my calves three times. Chases the dogs around. He terrorizes my children in the back yard. No one can go outside without a...
  17. T

    Introducing new hens to a flock with one bird being aggressive

    Hello all, I am newish to the chicken community and I have a really small flock and I'm having some trouble with introductions and I would like some advice. A year-and-a-half ago I endedI ended up gettinggetting a rescue chicken... Long story but I ended up having to get her two companions...
  18. thelongacre

    Rooster too aggressive with hen(s), what to do?

    Hi all, I have 6 buff orpingtons - 2 of which are roosters. They are 4 months old, and the hens are not laying yet. I know having 2 roosters for 4 hens is a bad idea, and we are intending to cull one of the roosters. The roosters actually seem to get along fine together (one is very Alpha and...
  19. L

    Giving up chicken for its aggression..

    My teacher and I have been getting attacked by what used to be the sweetest chicken in the flock. She’s thinking about getting rid of her because she doesn’t like being attacked and doesnt want the new classes getting attacked trying to get their grade. Before summers over i’m sure she’ll be...
  20. leepinlarr

    chickens attacking hen ??

    i have an establish flock of mix breed chickens earlier i was checking the run and suddenly the rooster attacked a hen, and once he had her down, the other hens jumped in for the kill. It was bazaar I scooped her off the ground and she had several deep wounds, so i took her to a quarentine...
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