emergency care

  1. K

    Greenish white poop and falling

    Hey! I just noticed today that my hen had a poopy butt. I gave her a warm bath cleaned her up and dried her off. She was very active while I had her inside so I put her back with her friends when she dried. I went to check on her a few minutes ago and she has pooped again. Runny, darkish lime...
  2. J

    Hen has Bloody Vent Shaking Head

    My 6 yr old Rhode Island Red hen has bloody vent and tail and is shaking head. I have isolated her from flock. No sign of fighting. Concerned if prolapse or bound egg maybe? Not sure if I should I bath in epsom salt and check for possible bound egg? Or use peroxide? Any help appreciated.
  3. C

    Egg bound YOUNG over 24 HOURS

    My chicken is about two years old and has been acting weird since yesterday. She was slow and laying down most of the day (lethargic) and seemed to be trying to push something out. Upon further inspection, she has a bulge right under her vent which I suspect after watching some videos is the...
  4. OnionRanch

    Hen Unable to Walk

    Hello! This is not my chicken, this is my aunt’s. This hen is of laying age. She as of today became unable to walk. No sign of bumblefoot on her feet to my knowledge. Another chicken died two months ago, she didn’t want to move or walk either. My first thought is Mareks... what do you guys...
  5. JessicaDotta

    Help- What needs to be removed - Bumblefoot

    This is Soap, a female Peking. I’ve had her in isolation because I suspect she has bumble-foot. Right now she’s soaking in the tub with Epsom salts. I’ve been spraying a poultry Teatree oil spray every day and wrapping her foot. I’m trying to figure out what I’m trying to remove from her foot...
  6. V

    Head Injury on Baby Chicks- Open Wound. Help!!

    Hey guys. I am new to chicken raising but long story short... I have 3 egg laying hens and 2 baby chicks (about 3 weeks old) raised them since they were days old. One of my adult hens seems to be very territorial, and has plucked the feathers out of one of my other adult ones. They've been...
  7. marissa98

    Strange Egg-like Material Laid by Sick-looking Hen

    Hi everyone! I have a strange issue that I'm hoping someone can recognize and help me with. We have a hen that's been acting "off" for a while now- maybe a month or more. She spends a lot of time sitting up on a perch and not doing much, but she does still go out, peck around, and eat. I've...
  8. Landerb

    Serama on deaths door; mimicking eggbound

    Hello all, Newish chicken owner & first time poster. I’ve found so much help on this site just by reading the threads, but I’m at my wit’s end and am desperate. I have a 6 month old serama frizzle who laid her first eggs on Saturday. I know chickens don’t usually lay two eggs in a day, but I...
  9. A

    Please reply!!! Urgent! Smoke inhalation

    Last night a wire sparked and our chicken coop caught on fire while we were sleeping. There are only five survivors and our whole family is devastated at the lost of our precious pets. Most of the remaining birds are do alright expect one. She can hardly breathe and its like she's getting no...
  10. B

    Newborn chick with mangled legs

    Hi I’m new to this forum as we are new to raising chicks. We had a baby hatch yesterday and it’s legs are spread wide apart I believe they call that splayed and also it’s feet are all curled up. I have read about rubberbanding the legs together so that they can grow strong but the poor fella...
  11. 0ddaudd

    Baby chick fell in pool, no clue how long HELPPP

    hey so i went out this morning to my run and one of my 6 week old chicks was in the duck pool. i quickly scooped her. up and shes on a heating pad and im blow drying her on a low setting. she seems EXTREMELY tired. shes keeping her eyes shut, but still peeping. she seems very off balance as...
  12. Australorp94

    Impacted Crop (Crop Surgery)

    Hi BYC community. I have a chicken with an impacted crop. I've been trying to get the impaction to pass, but I'm having a hard time. Massaging the crop and a mild laxative called Dulcolax aren't working. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I think I'm getting to the point where crop surgery...
  13. C

    Help! Sick Chicken, unsure of cause.

    Yesterday, my beautiful Buff Orpington, Stonewall, began acting strange. She was very keen on staying in her nesting box. She began pooping out yolk and feces mixed together. She eventually excreted the leathery shell of her egg. She continues to eat, and she drinks water as well. I have seen...
  14. C

    Please help my sick quail!

    Hi all, I'd appreciate any advice anybody can give. I have 12 quail and they are 2 weeks old now. It has all been going fine but today I noticed some are not thriving. There are 4 in the flock who have stopped being able to walk. they are just lying down and sleeping and when I put them on their...
  15. wednesdaythechicken

    6 Week Old Chicken Tourette’s?

    I have a 6 week old California gray. Since I got her she shakes her head to one side dragging her beak. Today she started hiccuping/convulsing with no noise. She falls over with horrible balance and she retracts her neck and has this tick that is involuntary and surprises her. It seems like she...
  16. emmsx3

    Baby Chick Drinking Water But Not Eating

    Hello, This will be long but I hope you all will bare with me. I have a one month old chick (just made one month on November 13th) and she's been doing really well during her first weeks til now since we have been raising her. Just recently she had an injury when my mom was bringing her in the...
  17. Kenzi Green Design

    White Tube Like Thing Hanging From Hens Vent!!

    Not sure what to do or what this is. (Graphic photo ahead) I researched a lot but there are so many different possibilities, it does however resemble an intestine in my opinion.
  18. C

    Duck with limp leg

    Found my 4 month old duck this morning in the coop just laying there. I thought that was weird as everyone else was up and walking around, ready to be let out for the day. We have a mixed coop with ducks and chickens. I went over and the poor thing seems to be lame in it’s left leg. Most...
  19. C

    My Chicken Isn't Moving Around Much and Squawks When She Does

    Hello everyone! Can someone please help me to understand what is going on with one of my sweet chickens? She stayed in her nesting box most of the day, so I placed food next to her so she would eat something. Then she came out, ate a little bit more, and would squawk, as if she was in pain. Is...
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