
  1. MamaPoult

    Why is my hen's butt balding?

    Hey guys. So I see this question commonly asked on here. I read through some threads to see that a lot of you guys said that this is a common sign of mites or picking. So I have 3 hens. 2 are BCM's and one I believe is a BCM-Barred Rock mix. They all came from the same place. These birds were...
  2. RossBantams

    Missing Toes on Both Feet

    So, I bought some top quality breeder birds (Wyandotte bantams) from a well known breeder. He won 5th best bird in a show of 10,600 birds at Ohio Nationals last year. The birds I got are offspring of that winning bird. They are great birds and are filling out very nicely. I noticed though that...
  3. M

    White Egg-Laying Barred/Cuckoo Breeds?

    I am looking for a barred hen breed so I can breed white egg-laying black sexlinks. Apparently Hollands and Cuckoo Leghorns lay white eggs but they are both very rare. Are there more common white egg-layers with the barring gene? If I breed a Brown Leghorn Rooster with a Barred Rock hen, I am...
  4. PhoenixManz

    Get a Marans or an Araucana rooster for Olive layers?

    Hi all! 🙋🏽‍♂️ I want to breed my own olive layers. I currently have 2 Araucanas, 1 Easter egger that lays turquoise eggs and 2 Marans hens. What would be the best cross to achieve olive eggs? Cross a Marans rooster with the Araucanas and Easter egger, or an Araucana rooster with the Marans...
  5. C

    What does the + or - after a gene mean?

    Hey, So I have been looking into silver laced wyandotte genetics but I can't figure out what the + or - after the genes mean. ebeb CoCo db+db+ PgPg MlMl Cha+Cha+ mh+mh+ di+di+ lg+lg+ cb+cb+ i+i+ bl+bl+ Lav+Lav+ C+C+ Mo+Mo+ b+b+ SS Choc+Choc+ This is the genotype for a slw and I understand...
  6. Diggypup


    If i have 2 imperfect melanistic animals, in this case ayam cemanis, will they produce better quality melanistic chicks? I have 2 questions So basically i have some pure ayam cemani birds but they aren't perfect with a black tongue, they have grey tongues, greenish black legs and the combs...
  7. D

    Barred Genetics

    Say you have an Ayam Cemani x Cuckoo Maran hen that is barred. She then mates with a very dark Ayam Cemani and hatches some chicks. Some will be barred, some will be black.. right? Now let’s also say one of them is a dark barred rooster. If he mates with her, what will be the genetic...
  8. MokiYoki

    Chicken Genetics outside of Breeds

    I'm looking for some in-depth help charting out what patternings are the result of what combination of genes. For some extra context I'm using a slightly simplified system by grouping the MC1R alleles into 5 major groups based on the percentage of black pigment displayed when all other modifying...
  9. D

    Button Quail Color Genetics for Birds Evolution Pro Profile

    Hello all, I am starting a button quail (coturnix chinesis) breeding program and I am as much info as I can find on colors its hard to find the gentic types for each. Im still learning genetics so I apologize if this is a dumb question. I am going to start using Birds Evolution Pro to manage the...
  10. GlicksChicks

    Genetics and Egg Color?

    I was wondering if a mix breed pullet's eggs are determined by the genetics of her mother or her father, or if it is random. For example, I have some chicks that are a mix of a Buckeye (Father) and a Black Copper Maran (Mother) so I was wondering if the hens would lay light brown eggs like a...
  11. EdgeC

    Certain breeds (Deserve the Darwin award?)

    Anyone notice certain breeds are really smart, while others are well... would be better off if they were a flower and could not move? I have noticed this more with Easter Eggs/Green eggers. IS it normal for them to be suicidal/kill themselves? I have raised wydottes, barred rock, polish...
  12. deer trail duck farms

    ancona genetic question

    Hello friends, i usually breed my rouens and my khaki campbells. this year i was lucky enough to acquire anconas. my two drakes a chocolate. and my females are all black. ive been researching what the possible outcomes could be. as my ideal situation is to sell them at our 4h swaps to...
  13. Just Rosie

    Blue Paint Silkie?

    Hello all, I have a silkie pullet that I bred that does not look like a normal paint. Her spots are very dilute, she looks like a blue paint. I'm wondering if anyone knows the genetics behind blue paint? My understanding with typical paints is that a bird with a dominant white gene breeds with...
  14. Duck_life

    Need help with Colors (again)

    Okay so pair #1: Both produce normals or black white flighted babies. That's ALL they've ever produced for me... well to be fair they've only thrown me 6 babies but still 😂. It seems their one baby is turning white?? Like, not sure how to explain it (you'll see in the photos) (Pair 1) Baby's...
  15. RainValleyFarm

    Can my olive egger be the mom of a single comb hen?

    I believe My Oliver Egger is the "mom" of this hen. But genetically, is it possible? I only had one green layer and hatched two of her eggs along with a bunch of others. So I don't know for sure who hatched from the green eggs. BUT this hen now lays green eggs, so I'm assuming she must be from...
  16. T

    Lemon blue Cochin x blue cochin

    Does anyone know what I’ll get if I crossed a Lemon blue Cochin to a Blue Cochin. If I was to cross their offspring would I hatch out Lemon blue Cochins?
  17. T

    Lemon blue cochins

    If I crossed my lemon blues tg what would the offspring be??
  18. T

    3 Original breeds to create all the following;

    If i wanted to breed birds that would allow me to have the following outcomes; White Eggs Brown Eggs Blue Eggs Green/Olive Eggs Sex Link (Red or Black) Dual Purpose for all if possible. How many original breeds of chicken would i need to start with? I understand i would need to start with the...
  19. T

    Breeding Advice

    Hi everyone and thank you to all the posters and experienced chicken keepers for the amazing threads i have been reading over the last 8 months. I moved rural and finally got to own my own chickens. This is going to be a bit of a story but i promise it gets to a question, and i think it would be...
  20. ChickChic00

    Prairie Bluebell

    I have a Prairie Bluebell Rooster I got about a week ago. I don't have him paired with any hens at the moment. I read that it's a 50/50 if they have beards. He does not have a beard. Would any of his kids have a beard? Like if I crossed him to say, a Rhode Island Red? Would there still be like a...
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