pekin duck

  1. M

    Duck pen -Safe Flooring

    Hi ya'll! I'm new to this group as well as a new Pekin Duck owner (adopted 3 from shelter). We bought a 10x10 chain link dog pen to keep them and covered the top with welded wire and the bottom with 2x3 inch PVC coated wire.The entire pen is set directly on the lawn. Is the PVC wire safe for...
  2. dehowery

    Pekin Duck not/maybe egg laying ?

    I have a Pekin duck that is an Easter baby so she should be laying. However I do not see any eggs in the coop. Now I understand they don't lay in the coop but while there out running free. I have almost an acre for the duck & 6 chickens to roam. I have not found anything that looks like a ducks...
  3. gingerviolinist

    Adding to my flock...

    I'm looking for opinions on adding to my flock. I have 4 9-week-old ducks, 2 pekin and 2 cayuga. I believe the 2 pekin are both female, based on voice sexing, but the 2 cayugas have been so quiet comparatively, I am starting to think neither of them will be female. I was hoping for 3 female and...
  4. littlemissmoon

    duck gender

    i know i know... its the age old question. BUT i suck at using forums... like... i really do. its kinda sad. as internet savy as i am i cant figure these things out. lol. soooo... i have a pekin thats about 5 weeks old. i got it from a terrible "back yard breeder" which i later found out from a...
  5. T

    Handicap Pekin Duck

    Hello - We have been rising chickens for years with no issues. Recently (about 4 months ago) we got 4 Pekin ducks. Unfortunately one of them has issues with his legs. They turn in really bad and now he can hardly walk. At this point we carry him from place to place. Bath him in the...
  6. CourtCalee

    Is it too late for this duckling?

    Help! My incubator humidity dropped and this guy internally popped two days ago. He is still giving me small movements. I broke open the shell to give assistance and have been wetting the membrane for the past 8 hours with no further luck. What should I do now? Is it too soon still and he wasn't...
  7. M

    Rescued duck who can't walk

    I just rescued a 6 week old Pekin ducking. He was meant as a meat bird, but couldn't walk at all and was getting trampled by the other ducks. I don't know much about ducks but I knew I had to try and help him and thankfully the owner was willing to part with him!! It appears that his feet might...
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