
  1. Liv_loves_chickens

    Pet Show poll!

    Hey it's silkie nerd please choose who is your favorite pet! Your options are...... Angus and Rainy may Milo Rick Astley George Princess Stumpy Moses Cooper Hoss Or last but not least......Molly and Scotty Rules:no voting for your self! You may campaign,all...
  2. chickenlover chickencrazy

    Big'N'Small Poll - Ends 22 August!

    We have had the amazing entries and now all you have to do is vote for the winner! Entries Lupmunk Names: Lupin & Chipmunk Breeds: Standard Cochin & Old English Game Bantam Owner: RoostersAreAwesome AnDo Names: Anna & Dorothy Breeds: OEGB & French Houdan Owner: JaeG Sweetcup...
  3. emcd124

    Poll: Survey collecting your experience treating Scaly Leg Mite

    I'm working on my first case of treating Scaly Leg Mite. I got to somewhere on page 30 of 50+ pages of advice on this excellent forum. I realized that it is difficult for most people to read through that many responses, and harder still to get a concrete cumulative overall picture of what people...
  4. caboodleschicks

    The Most Epic (Poll)

    Okay, all you have to put below is that you are epic and you want to join the poll! :woot I will make the poll once all people have entered. It ends next Monday. July-31st-2017. If you do not win, don't worry you are extremely epic too. So, no hard feelings or anything like that. :) (If I worded...
  5. DuckPro

    Chickens for president 2 (credit to sassysarah)

    Ripper, male, loves sausage. (Parrotbeak aseel/asil) Fizzy, female, loves hugs (frizzle) Cotton, hen, 1 year old. Loves porridge (silkie) Muffy, hen, 2 years old. Loves tomatoes. (I think Easter eager?)
  6. Lazy Farmer

    Trimmed Beaks

    Anyone out there trim or clip their Adult Hen's Beaks?
  7. Lazy Farmer


    WHAT MAKES A HEN GO TOTAL CANNIBAL? (Egg Layer Adults on each other) Ignore the food dish and prefer blood over feed. This is an OPINION Poll. If you Google or copy or paste your answer you are cheating. This is based upon personal experience or educated guesses. Don't cheat, just publish your...
  8. Lazy Farmer

    Brooder Size Question ??

    Kinda have a problem or not but wanted opinions not technical mumbo. We just had the most successful hatch yet. Out of 40 plus eggs, upon candle day.. 35 were active. Out of that, 29 hatched. Our regular old faithful brooder tub size is kind of busy. Had to use 2 the same size after a baby was...
  9. L

    What Are Your Favorite Breeds?

    Hi! Just out of curiosity, I decided to start this thread. What are your favorite breeds for chickens? Any breeds are fine, bantams or standards. You can also say what your favorite breeds are for other birds, such as ducks, pheasants, turkeys, quail, etc. Just make sure you clarify that they're...
  10. L

    What Do You Do With A Sick Chicken?

    I'm interested to hear y'all answers! :D
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