
  1. bateshomesteaddream

    Combs injured on hardware cloth

    Let me start out by saying we are new to chicken owning. We have six 4 wk old chicks. Yesterday & today we put them in their run for a little out door time during the day. Today when we went out to bring them back into their brooder (the spare bathroom) we saw that all 6 of them have scratched...
  2. Beccazon

    So here is our base model...

    Been messing with this thing for 2 months. Changing plans. Scapping whole ideas. This is our fully functional coop and run...not including the separating wall to divide the ducks from the chickens which will be to the right of the roost and nesting box area that is not finished. Then the duck...
  3. green_thumb

    Run Construction w/ Deep Litter- Lumber Dimensions, etc?

    I feel like this is my millionth set of questions, but I just can't pass up the fount of knowledge that is this group :) I'm building a run similar to the one picture below: rectangular with a lean-to metal roof, w/ hardware cloth and a hardware cloth apron around the perimeter. I have some...
  4. K

    Spent my birthday finishing the new setup.

    Spent my 27th birthday finishing up painting to roof we added to the protected run. I had another thread on how I should go about expanding my space. Added a 10x10 area to the 32 sq ft run attached to the coop. Used a heavy duty dog kennel and covered the top with chicken wire to protect from...
  5. K

    Is my run large enough for 3 barred rocks?

    I've heard the run should be about 8 to 10 sq ft per bird, but still looks smallish to me. Then again, I'm a complete newbie to this. The coop is 4 ft × 4ft and the attached run is 4 ft × 8 ft. With half of it under the coop. Pretty low to the ground but they'll be able to get under it. Were...
  6. B

    Woods Coop

    My Amish made coop arrived yesterday!! I love it. It’s 8x12 and sits perfectly in our yard. I need to redo a few things like the high windows strap for opening. But my main question going forward is what run would look best with this coop? The 2 roof lines make it challenging. The run will be on...
  7. NorCal_Fluffers

    Need a climbing plant that is chicken safe

    I would like to plant something on the run portion that is a climbing variety to provide shade in summer. I’m in Northern California, zone 9B, so there isn’t much I can’t grow here.
  8. ILoveSilkieChickens

    Did You Know???

    I’ve had my chickens since March 26, 2019 and I’ve recently went in their run and sat down and observed their behavior. What I found out shocked me quite a bit. For a long time, this is something that I didn’t even know about domesticated chickens. How they behave is very feline like. Like I’m...
  9. Quailberries

    Opinions on supervised free range?

    Ok, so here's my situation- Right now I have two 2-1/2 week pullets and two 1/2 week old pullets. They're housed separately right now, and we're planning to introduce them to each other pretty soon, and hopefully have them all outside in the coop by very late April/early May. While we still...
  10. D

    Corn cat litter okay for coop or run?

    This is my first post (other than my introduction)!!! Hopefully I am in the right section :) A friend of mine bought some corn litter for her cats, which they ended up not liking (picky girls). She doesn't want to throw the whole thing out, so I was thinking about throwing it in my chicken...
  11. Sky5678

    How to keep run dry but still let sunlight in

    Hi, I am planning out my quail run. The dimensions are 5 feet x 10 feet x 2 feet. The reason being is that I need to be able to slide it under my porch during the snowy winter months, and I don't have the space for a taller, more permanent structure. During the summer, I won't be able to move...
  12. seaduds

    Coop plus tractor with laying boxes?

    Hello! I'm planning to purchase 6-8 chicks in the next month or so and have questions about my potential home for them. A friend of mine has an unused coop kit that he's gifting me in exchange for eggs in the future, which is convenient. I'd love to let the chickens free-range (as the previous...
  13. Pmv17

    What size Coop for 10 birds?

    What size of Coop should I have for 10-12 chickens (orpingtons, rhode islands, barred Rocks)? My run will be large (10x10) but they will not free range. Is 4x4 too small?
  14. R

    Food location - coop or run?

    If one has a persistent ground squirrel and gopher problem, to the point where they chewed through the hardware fabric floor... and one has a very large coop and run, what is better - keeping the chicken feed in the coop or run? Challenge: Food is available 24-7, cannot be put away at night...
  15. C

    Hello from NE Georgia!

    So glad I found this site! Hubby came home 2 weeks ago with 6 baby chicks. I've been reading and reading and reading about caring for them and getting some great idea's -thanks! We've graduated to a Pack N Play for more room for them and love watching them. It also is getting them used to our...
  16. H

    Help me with my run.

    Tomorrow my Papa is coming over to help me set up the fencing for my run. (He also built my coop for me because he is amazing. I plan on painting/decorating it and I will have to post pictures) I need help on options for the flooring of the run. In post forums I have read all of the run floors...
  17. C

    coop / run ratio

    Hello Everyone - new member and soon to be new chicken owner. I'm currently planning my coop/run so I can get building as soon as winter breaks. I have been reading a lot both here and elsewhere and I know that 3 to 4 sq ft/bird in the coop and 10 sq ft/bird in the run are the numbers to aim...
  18. My Last Minute Peeper Palace

    My Last Minute Peeper Palace

    In May of 2018 I took a trip to Rural King with my family. Little did I know this trip would bring so much joy to my life. Every time I go here I always find myself at the brooders full of baby chicks. This time, the little peeps sounded different. Upon looking in I found the cutest little...
  19. D

    Berries on my chicken run?

    I have a large boisenberry bush that l have found is very easy to grow and would like use starts from it and plant it along my chicken run. Would this be ok?
  20. hhouck514

    Roof for Chicken Run

    What would you recommend that I use for the roof of a chicken run? Would a UV treated netting work well? I have some chicks coming from Cackle Hatchery later this week, and I will be building a coop/run for them soon. I need to use something that can keep flying bantams in, but also keep birds...
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