
  1. jaymean

    Sand or dust alternatives?

    Hi everyone! I need some recommendations on safe, cost effective sand alternatives. I have 7 quails (4 buttons, 3 coturnix) that live indoor. I've been using chinchilla sand in their dust boxes and they seem to love it. I first tried chinchilla dust and was appalled at how it got EVERYWHERE...
  2. TanisGirl

    Newbie Intro

    Hi! My name is Tanis. I’m new at raising chickens. I live in Central Oregon. We have 26 week old layers and we just got 32 recalls silkies one bath, one blue, and black. The two recalls have been a bit of a challenge. The blue doesn’t seem like she’s doing very well. I’m not sure if it’s just...
  3. A

    Building home!

    Looking for help/ideas to keep my ducks safe! I have 5 ducklings right now in my detached garage in a nice big pen. They are khaki cambells! I am new to parenting any type of bird and want to make sure these guys are safe! I am building a new home for them once they outgrow the pen. I have...
  4. carlyducks

    Can ducks eat peanuts and shells?

    So someone around my neighborhood had to have been feeding peanuts to squirrels because my ducks used to find them every day and LOVE them. they stopped finding them so i bought them some. they are unsalted and get about 2 a day and they go “nuts” for them. they eat the shell and the peanut...
  5. jwebs94

    Chicken coop smells like cedar.

    Hello :) Totally newbie with an urgent question... I'm unpacking the coop I bought because my 4 week old chicks are starting to peck thru the giant box/brooder I have them in. I was going to build the hen house part and move them into that, inside, until it was warm enough to move out. I knew...
  6. Squeak61

    Painting converted coop

    Hey everyone! With springtime around the corner, I really want to revamp my coop and run. My current coop is a gray converted resin shed. I really want to paint the inside a brighter color, maybe yellow. I also wanted to paint the nesting boxes. However, I’m not really sure if that’s safe for...
  7. Terri E

    Duck eggs- frozen or safe

    Hello, Im Terri and live in Onalaska, Texas, I'm new to weather being cold for my ducks. I have both chickens (Americauna, Austrolorps, both mixed as well, and now mix game hen and rooster.) and my ducks are Pingking (M & F), Khaki(M), and Rhoen (F). When Harvey hit, was called into work and...
  8. TwinsLoveChicks

    Best Raccoon-Proof Locks and Latches?

    I am building a new coop and would love to know what the best raccoon/predator proof locks and latches are. Thank you in advance! :)
  9. Chicken Lover!

    Baby Chicks and Adult Chickens - Keep them separate or keep them together?

    Hi everyone, I own two 10 month old chickens and I am soon to get 1/2 new baby chickens. Should we get a completely separate cage, or put them together? Any other suggestions? I'm just scared that if I put the babies with the adults, they will get picked on. Thank you for your time and all...
  10. D

    Keeping my chicks safe

    Okay so, recently we had a raccoon attack. We had 8 chicks and i turkey. Not big, the chicks were medium sized still having feathers. The turkey was still developing. But the chicken house wasn't so secure. The raccoon had, killed or ate them 6 of them including the turkey sadly... but two were...
  11. MyISAbrownhens

    Chicken safe mulch?

    i have a lot of chicken safe flowers planted around my chicken coop, but it's been very rainy the past week and all the soil is almost washed away. Is there any mulch that is chicken safe? I'm using pine straw right now which I heard was ok for them but I was wondering if there was anything else...
  12. L

    Disinfectant for coop?

    I am looking for a save disinfectant that I can clean my duck coop out with. The coop is in my enclosure so the water with the disinfectant will run off into the ground. I'm leary of a lot of products I read that Tractor Supply sells... what are most people using to clean the coops out with...
  13. MjsChickens

    Where to put my brooder?

    I am having a problem with the location of my brooder. Originally I was going to put my chicks/brooder in a nearby shed, but faulty wiring makes it a major fire hazard, and we will have the electricity turned off soon. This building is also infested with rodents. I have another shed, but the...
  14. Lazy Farmer

    Restaurant Grade Quality Milled Corn Grits.

    I just purchased twenty 50# bags of high quality milled corn grits from an overstock company. Paid only $1.00 per bag. No bugs and fit for human consumption. Here's the kicker... A farmer buddy says if I feed my ADULT CHICKENS this product, it will swell them up and kill them. I beg to differ...
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