~«Survival By War»~ (Warrior cat rp)

Blue eyes locked on the little ginger she-cat nest, Crowpaw crawled at a slower pace after her, body low to the ground. He paused on the top of the rise, watching intently. She was around three tree lengths away, and he could just barely make out her pale pelt in the thick branches.
His gaze flickered rapidly over the moor, searching for a rabbit. A creature was hopping several tree lengths away from Hazelpaw's bush, nibbling on grasses and herbs.
And he waited.
He didn't move, merely watched Hazelpaw, wondering whether or not the CloudClan cat would go after it, or lay in wait.
Only time'll tell.
Hazelpaw waited.
From her perch, she trained her focus to its every movement, down to the twitching of whiskers and flickering of anxious eyes.
The unwary rabbit took its time in meandering into range of its demise. Perhaps, somehow, it knew it only had mere moments remaining and knew to savor them.
But, finally, it seemed to be drawn in by a clump of luscious dandelion growing just beside the tree's base. If possible, its infuriatingly methodical lumbering slowed further as it approached.
Then she jumped.
Claws met skin. Teeth met fur. The hunted screamed. Oh, it screamed. Sure, birds and squirrels put up a ruckus, but nothing like this. Hazelpaw was quivering in agony when she fluidly flipped it over and exposed the shrieking mouth even further. The life vein couldn't burst between her teeth fast enough.
Ears ringing, she trotted over to Crowpaw and deposited her catch at his paws.
"Now you teach me how to do it your way."
Hazelpaw waited.
From her perch, she trained her focus to its every movement, down to the twitching of whiskers and flickering of anxious eyes.
The unwary rabbit took its time in meandering into range of its demise. Perhaps, somehow, it knew it only had mere moments remaining and knew to savor them.
But, finally, it seemed to be drawn in by a clump of luscious dandelion growing just beside the tree's base. If possible, its infuriatingly methodical lumbering slowed further as it approached.
Then she jumped.
Claws met skin. Teeth met fur. The hunted screamed. Oh, it screamed. Sure, birds and squirrels put up a ruckus, but nothing like this. Hazelpaw was quivering in agony when she fluidly flipped it over and exposed the shrieking mouth even further. The life vein couldn't burst between her teeth fast enough.
Ears ringing, she trotted over to Crowpaw and deposited her catch at his paws.
"Now you teach me how to do it your way."
The time seemed to draw out, the small creature hopping almost lazily towards the tree, taking it's precious time. Crowpaw was laying in wait, crouched in the thick grass, claws unsheathed and digging into the ground, heart pounding as he waited, ready to dash after the rabbit if needed. The cry of a panicked rabbit echoed over the valley, before it was cut off abruptly.
He stood as Hazelpaw approached him, rabbit dangling from her jaws. "Brilliant, Hazelpaw!" He praised as she dropped her rabbit. "See? I knew you had it in you, Birdie."
He paused at her demanded, ears flicking. "You want me to teach you? You seemed to do pretty well by yourself."
The time seemed to draw out, the small creature hopping almost lazily towards the tree, taking it's precious time. Crowpaw was laying in wait, crouched in the thick grass, claws unsheathed and digging into the ground, heart pounding as he waited, ready to dash after the rabbit if needed. The cry of a panicked rabbit echoed over the valley, before it was cut off abruptly.
He stood as Hazelpaw approached him, rabbit dangling from her jaws. "Brilliant, Hazelpaw!" He praised as she dropped her rabbit. "See? I knew you had it in you, Birdie."
He paused at her demanded, ears flicking. "You want me to teach you? You seemed to do pretty well by yourself."
Hazelpaw looked at him squarely. "I want to be able to do it on the ground," she stated matter-of-factly. "Like no other cat in my clan can. I want..." she trailed off, shy now. It was a moment before she could look at him again. "I want to be able to something that will always remind me of...this."
Hazelpaw looked at him squarely. "I want to be able to do it on the ground," she stated matter-of-factly. "Like no other cat in my clan can. I want..." she trailed off, shy now. It was a moment before she could look at him again. "I want to be able to something that will always remind me of...this."
Hazelpaw's words made Crowpaw realize that this would end. That they would all split up back to their respective clans and Tribe. That, despite maybe a passing or two at Gatherings, they wouldn't see each other again. He looked up the hill, where Palepaw and Star and the kits slept. And suddenly...Crowpaw didn't want it to end.
"Alright," he looked back her, his voice soft. "I'll teach you how to hunt rabbits on the ground. But, before we get back home, when we get into a forest, you have to teach me how to hunt birds." A small smile crossed his muzzle. "Deal?"
Hazelpaw's words made Crowpaw realize that this would end. That they would all split up back to their respective clans and Tribe. That, despite maybe a passing or two at Gatherings, they wouldn't see each other again. He looked up the hill, where Palepaw and Star and the kits slept. And suddenly...Crowpaw didn't want it to end.
"Alright," he looked back her, his voice soft. "I'll teach you how to hunt rabbits on the ground. But, before we get back home, when we get into a forest, you have to teach me how to hunt birds." A small smile crossed his muzzle. "Deal?"
"Totally." Trying to keep herself from thinking of how soon this would turn into then, Hazelpaw skipped forward a few paces and then spun around playfully. "So, have you always been that fast? Is it even possible for me to get half that good?"
"Totally." Trying to keep herself from thinking of how soon this would turn into then, Hazelpaw skipped forward a few paces and then spun around playfully. "So, have you always been that fast? Is it even possible for me to get half that good?"
"Honestly, I don't know. I am a WaterfallClan cat, after all, and I swim a lot, which strengthens your legs. I suppose that would help a lot. And I have long legs, which also helps." Crowpaw gave a long stretch, and shook his pelt before following her. "Of course it is, if you really want to do it. You're a climber, so you already must have strong legs, you just are...well..." He forced himself to stifle a laugh, not wanting to embaress her. "Short."
"Honestly, I don't know. I am a WaterfallClan cat, after all, and I swim a lot, which strengthens your legs. I suppose that would help a lot. And I have long legs, which also helps." Crowpaw gave a long stretch, and shook his pelt before following her. "Of course it is, if you really want to do it. You're a climber, so you already must have strong legs, you just are...well..." He forced himself to stifle a laugh, not wanting to embaress her. "Short."
"Yeah, so my supreme awesomeness is all the more potent because it's stuffed into a smaller package." Hazelpaw's retort was smooth from frequent use. "Glad you noticed."
"Yeah, so my supreme awesomeness is all the more potent because it's stuffed into a smaller package." Hazelpaw's retort was smooth from frequent use. "Glad you noticed."
"Right...you could say that," Crowpaw meowed, a slight purr of amusement in his voice. "Anyway." He trotted ahead of her, scanning the moor. "I'm not a mentor, nor am I even a warrior, so...take my word with a fish scale, because I don't even know what I am doing," he shrugged, turning a sharp circle to face her. If he were being honest with himself, he didn't even know where to start with her. "I guess...before we start I should explain somethings...Now..." The words came rushing to him, quicker then the waterfall that ran outside his camp, that Hawkclaw had told him when they had hunted rabbits for the first time. "The key thing is the placement of the rabbit, yourself, and the direction of the wind. Patience is going to be your best friend in the game of hunting rabbits, and so is speed. You won't always have to give chase, but sometimes you need to. You don't have to be fast if the rabbits den isn't around, as they can't run for very long. If you have them in the open, you can tire then out. Otherwise...you got to give it your all."
He blinked, his mouth finally closing. He didn't expect himself to spew all that at the same time. "Anyway...do you want to try and find another rabbit...or?..."
"Right...you could say that," Crowpaw meowed, a slight purr of amusement in his voice. "Anyway." He trotted ahead of her, scanning the moor. "I'm not a mentor, nor am I even a warrior, so...take my word with a fish scale, because I don't even know what I am doing," he shrugged, turning a sharp circle to face her. If he were being honest with himself, he didn't even know where to start with her. "I guess...before we start I should explain somethings...Now..." The words came rushing to him, quicker then the waterfall that ran outside his camp, that Hawkclaw had told him when they had hunted rabbits for the first time. "The key thing is the placement of the rabbit, yourself, and the direction of the wind. Patience is going to be your best friend in the game of hunting rabbits, and so is speed. You won't always have to give chase, but sometimes you need to. You don't have to be fast if the rabbits den isn't around, as they can't run for very long. If you have them in the open, you can tire then out. Otherwise...you got to give it your all."
He blinked, his mouth finally closing. He didn't expect himself to spew all that at the same time. "Anyway...do you want to try and find another rabbit...or?..."
"So, the main thing is just being fast," Hazelpaw conceded slowly, blinking. "Which is something I've got to work up to." Then she bumped her shoulder to his and laughed. "Well, if we're not taking my lack of skill into account, sure!"
"So, the main thing is just being fast," Hazelpaw conceded slowly, blinking. "Which is something I've got to work up to." Then she bumped her shoulder to his and laughed. "Well, if we're not taking my lack of skill into account, sure!"
"I think with practice, you can do it. You have the brains and the motivation for it." Crowpaw nudged her back, shaking his head with a low laugh. "Let's find a rabbit before Palepaw and Star come looking for us, and ruin our hunt." He padded past her, toward the direction the sun was still rising, muzzle in the air. The scent of mice and heather and rabbit and cat flittered about the meadow, both old and fresh. The scent of rabbit was strong, most likely a large burrow was nearby. "Hopefully they all aren't hiding."

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