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I've got a plastic tub that should do the trick. Once I get it coming to feed, I'll stick it out there. Can't seem to find him right now...

I caught ours with a net when I was a kid. We say one loose outside and my sister and I grabbed a net and caught him. We named him fred and he lived in our house for several years. Good luck, just try not to stress the little bugger too much, ours good never handle stress.
I had a budgie when i was little, he got out once and after a week my mom found him flying around in the woods behind the house. she left his cage out over night near where she had spotted him and he roosted in the cage. she caught him by getting up early and closing the door while he was sleeping.
That's weird... How come I never got notified about the tag? Sorry about that Fanci. :/

Well, anyways... Hello, everyone!! :D :frow

Bonjour, I am deeply guilt-ridden that I unfortunately was not available to properly welcome you yesterday. To make up for my abhorrent behavior I have prepared a fine dish of Malted Custard French Toas to your liking. I ask for nothing in return but your forgiveness.

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