➡➡ Kiki Speak

Yeah, good point! And rereading that now I realize it probably sounds pretty rude or something. :oops:

So I’m sorry.

I genuinely didn’t mean to compare myself to others or badmouth anyone or whatever. I guess my point was more just that nobody gets mad at others for doing the same or worse. But I guess that’s a pretty weak argument still.

My reasoning?

I wanted to get them and have for a couple years and I felt that I was at a place where I was finally ready to since I really have nothing else going on atm. I made sure I had stuff built first and that I asked first.
I have 130+ eggs in my bator 😂 Quail, ducks, and chickens. The ducks will be out of here though when they hatch because they’re not mine.
Do quail fly? Sorry for dumb question. I mean do they fly like birds or like chickens? Like if they escape from your cage will they be long gone? I dunno I guess I’m picturing pigeons when I hear quail
it depends on the quail really, but yes there’s a high probability that if one escapes, it will be gone. they can flush 10ft straight up, and can fly in bursts of 20+ yards especially when younger. if they escape into a “safe” area, they can be retrieved, but they are easy pickings for dogs, cats etc.......they can also fly right through 2 inch netting and squeeze through traditional fencing and they cannot be trained to a coop
I’m the only one that does dishes in my house. My husband will once in a blue moon. But he helps A LOT with the kids so I rather him help with that than dishes.

So for the most part I try to wash everything before bed but there are those days that I’m like ugh I’ll do it tomorrow. (During those few days though it becomes chaos! So I try not to have too many of those days).
i get it......we used to have a system DH cooked, I did dishes and then weekends he would do outside stuff and i would catch up on cleaning. then the minis got older and we started giving them some daily chores......now the minis rarely do anything and DH typically needs help with cooking and outside chores so that leaves me trying to keep up with all the cleaning in my “spare time” :oops:

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