➡I accidentally bought Balut eggs: 2 live ducks! Now a Chat Thread!

@KikisGirls the babies won’t eat their ff :barnie
I have to keep sprinkling the crumble on top in hopes they’ll decide to pick at the wet underneath.
I started feeding my birds ft 2 weeks ago. The newly hatched chicks wouldn't touch it, but all of my other birds have gone apesh!t over it. Even the new little one that my bròodies hatched the other day gobbles it up.
Button quail chicks are out of the incubator! Final count: 15 Coturnix and 3 Button quail. I love how the buttons keep shoving themselves underneath the coturnix chicks.
Oh boy! Labs are good at that too lol or begging and it can be so hard to resist cause they are sooo cute lol

LOL exactly! My brother's dog especially. They spoil her, especially his fiancé lol has like 4 beds plus one in the crate (but she never really goes in there) so basically one in every room and they buy like bandanas and treats and stuff. Yet she can give you the look lol also whennever you try to clean her, even just wiping paws and not a full bath (she loves digging in the dirt lol and toys HAVE to be dirt covered UGH), she will act all dejected and sad then go hide under the bed and basically act like she's abused LOL they adopted her at 12 weeks so she's definitely not. She just likes being dirty LOL dogs, I swear. Btw, she's not spoiled behavior/training wise, she's the best little puppy, they just like her to have the best stuff :lau

The Spaniel is the same way. Oh the horror of having some mud wiped of his face or paws.
Yes! My dogs live better than many children but they can still look like they belong on late night commercials for the SPCA. LoL!
And they all have that sad face like everything in their world is dark and cold and all they want is a little bit of love and maybe just a smidge of that food your eating. My first pug used to pretend that she hated her dog food and whined at us to feed her some of ours, but once we started running the dishwasher she would run to her plate and chow down.

The Spaniel is the same way. Oh the horror of having some mud wiped of his face or paws.
Wasabi hates hates hates getting his wrinkles cleaned. He acts like he's getting stabbed everytime. We would think we're really hurting him, but he starts up his act before we even touch him! Antigen on the other hand doesn't like clean fresh water to drink out of, but she had no problem drinking out of a mud puddle in the backyard.
Wasabi hates hates hates getting his wrinkles cleaned. He acts like he's getting stabbed everytime. We would think we're really hurting him, but he starts up his act before we even touch him! Antigen on the other hand doesn't like clean fresh water to drink out of, but she had no problem drinking out of a mud puddle in the backyard.
yeah my dog prefers a puddle , the ditch a dirty bucket.. wash the bucket and he doesn't want to drink out of it for a week... The toilet seat bumpers are broke from him flipping the the lid up that had a weight holding it down to keep him out. :barnie

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