➡I accidentally bought Balut eggs: 2 live ducks! Now a Chat Thread!

I'm jealous. Melons are something I have such limitations on up here. I grow Charentais every year and they are delightful, but the only reason they ripen is that they are about half pound fruits. I can't seem to get anything else to sweeten up properly before the frost hits.
I always heard bees pollinating the melons improved sweetness....

These Made me snort my coffee! And pee!
Wait! There are refunds??? Sign me up.
I said I'd *like* a refund... haven't actually gotten one yet, no one will honor the warranty my faulty flesh suit came with. Some nonsense about all sales as-is.
I will take a full body transplant in a heartbeat. This chronic pain nonsense is... well not even for the birds, I wouldn't wish this on any beings! Can't we just have our sci-fi promised brain in a jar setups yet?
Time to shop for a new sleeve. Gotta pay for those upgrades, though. Those perky bits aren't cheap!
They're overrated. Put the money into a good shock absorbing system instead.
Psshhh... I can't even run without peeing! :lau
Panty liners! I should invest in stock.
May be one day....

My body is way past refund or warranty...so I just pay for repairs....surgeries for bunions, right knee replacement, two lower back surgeries, both shoulders repaired, carpal tunnel on both wrists...I will soon be bionic!
Gives new meaning to the Golden Years....the doctors get rich on the cost of our repairs.
Well i'm over here in my 30's with 3 little boys, looking forward to those golden years and out of the blue...everyone I know who was supposedly 'finished having babies', is pregnant! My husband is giving me these sad, puppy eyes and telling me that "it's not fair" that I won't give him MORE. He's insane! My kids are almost all fairly self sufficient and are THISCLOSE to having a live in babysitter (oldest boy)! If I have more, i've got to wait another 6 years at least before I can leave them all at home with an older sibling. :barnie
Well i'm over here in my 30's with 3 little boys, looking forward to those golden years and out of the blue...everyone I know who was supposedly 'finished having babies', is pregnant! My husband is giving me these sad, puppy eyes and telling me that "it's not fair" that I won't give him MORE. He's insane! My kids are almost all fairly self sufficient and are THISCLOSE to having a live in babysitter (oldest boy)! If I have more, i've got to wait another 6 years at least before I can leave them all at home with an older sibling. :barnie
For the love of sanity, don't give in!
For the love of sanity, don't give in!
Oh, no way! I'm a little nutty, but i'm not THAT kind of cray cray!
I feel blindsided by all my girlfriends... what the heck happened- I thought we were all done with babies!? :rant
However...I do love babies. I'm just over sleepless nights, diapers, smelling like spit up and carrying around 1,000 lbs of gear at all times. I. Am. Done!
Sweetgrass tom and Blue Slate hen

Rose Comb legbar hen and Sweetgrass tom
Feeding time at the zoo. They follow me up to the chicken coop where I keep their kibble, then they run ahead of me back to the pond where I put down their bowl. Street Jr. is on the far left. :)

Street is the one that waits for the others to eat first?
:th I'm dead.

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