➡I accidentally bought Balut eggs: 2 live ducks! Now a Chat Thread!

She is drinking, but her breathing is shallow and rapid, walking fine. No signs of another seizure. The last one that we know of was back on Sunday when I found her. I thought she had just gotten flipped over, but now I remember she was really disoriented and couldn’t walk.
Did you actually witness the seizure? Is it possible it was a stroke?
To add, I can’t get that until tomorrow. I saw Casport’s recommendations, I’m hoping that will work because injections aren’t feasible at the moment. No duck vets around here.
Annnd I should add that they’ve been getting nutridrench in their water since day 1. Just as a precautionary measure since a couple hens had some sneezing thing going on, which has since passed, so everyone had their waters filled with it, and we didn’t want them to be at risk.
Annnd I should add that they’ve been getting nutridrench in their water since day 1. Just as a precautionary measure since a couple hens had some sneezing thing going on, which has since passed, so everyone had their waters filled with it, and we didn’t want them to be at risk.
Oh, how old are they? Overdosing on electrolytes can actually cause seizures. It’s best to dose 3-4 days on, 1 week off, for preventative dosing.
Oh what fun.
Again, I get attacked for what I say.

@Tesumph thanks for the comment. The public just doesn't move on from one characteristic of a person.

I'll probably be booting off until December. I can tell now when a week of being around people can ruin my life.
What are you talking about? No one here attacked you.
Just because someone doesn't agree doesn't mean they are attacking you.

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