
Yes, they can do a blood serum test to examine for DNA for Marek's and another one is avian leucosis.

Those two viruses are the most common and "hide" in flocks with little in the way of symptoms most of the time. Other pathogens make a chicken so sick that they often die before you can treat them. So just those two viruses are what I would have them test for.
@azygous Sorry it took me a min to get back it’s been crazy here. I lost a silkie on the 13th 😔But Field inspector from Dept of Ag came today and did swabs for Bird Flu and New Castle and then they said we can go from there and do blood. They did two swabs per bird because one is sent to Cornell and other is tested in state lab. They said I will get the results rather quickly and once we get these results they will walk me through everything with Cornell and help me with blood work. Thank you for the names of 2 tests that’s helpful so I don’t end up spending a shit ton on unnecessary testing. Should I have them also test for Pullorum? Or in your opinion is it unnecessary?

Wow! They came to your home? That's amazing. But then, I guess, if they're concerned with avian flu and Newcastle, they would race to your place.

See if they recommend the Pullorum test. They would know if there's a risk of it in your county. I have never come across a case of that with anyone here.
Wow! They came to your home? That's amazing. But then, I guess, if they're concerned with avian flu and Newcastle, they would race to your place.

See if they recommend the Pullorum test. They would know if there's a risk of it in your county. I have never come across a case of that with anyone here.
Yes but that’s why they came to my home. Exactly like you said. They are rushing to tests peoples chickens because of the out break around the country. A lot of sick birds this year all over. She was up the road from me at a deer farm(she called it that I’ve never heard of one) testing someone else’s sick chickens. Chickens on a deer farm :idunnoI’ll keep you guys posted. I wanted to show you what I collected in my silkie coop! First time ever in my life I’ve seen such a thing not even when they first started laying! Attached the pics down below(quarter is for measure) What the hell causes this! It looks like those little speckled egg candies I don’t remember what they’re called.


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Yes but that’s why they came to my home. Exactly like you said. They are rushing to tests peoples chickens because of the out break around the country. A lot of sick birds this year all over. She was up the road from me at a deer farm(she called it that I’ve never heard of one) testing someone else’s sick chickens. Chickens on a deer farm :idunnoI’ll keep you guys posted. I wanted to show you what I collected in my silkie coop! First time ever in my life I’ve seen such a thing not even when they first started laying! Attached the pics down below(quarter is for measure) What the hell causes this! It looks like those little speckled egg candies I don’t remember what they’re called.
Just found out they are called Fairy Eggs! I’ve never heard of such a thing. Have you ever had any from ur ladies?
. She was up the road from me at a deer farm(she called it that I’ve never heard of one) testing someone else’s sick chickens. Chickens on a deer farm :idunno
I knew someone who had a deer ranch. They bred and raised trophy deer (huge antler racks) and sold for big bucks (no pun intended) to private parties to hunt.

Hopefully the initial tests come back quickly with a clean bill of health, & you can have both viruses tested for to determine what has been killing your birds.
I knew someone who had a deer ranch. They bred and raised trophy deer (huge antler racks) and sold for big bucks (no pun intended) to private parties to hunt.

Hopefully the initial tests come back quickly with a clean bill of health, & you can have both viruses tested for to determine what has been killing your birds.
That’s crazy I never heard of such a thing! Are you in NY area as well or no? And how does that work? As far as them purchasing them to hunt? They purchase from the farm bring them to wherever they want to hunt and just let them free and have at it or? Why would someone prefer that over normal way to hunt? I’m just curious as this is completely foreign to me!

And thank you so much. I hope so too. I’m going to have them tested for the 2 illnesses that @azygous suggested above as well. Just going through the motions. I’m hoping I hear back from them with results from swabs STAT. Preferably before I (jinx knock on wood)lose another poor baby.
Wow! They came to your home? That's amazing. But then, I guess, if they're concerned with avian flu and Newcastle, they would race to your place.

See if they recommend the Pullorum test. They would know if there's a risk of it in your county. I have never come across a case of that with anyone here.
As promised reporting back and of course as anticipated results came in last night and they were Negative for Both New Castle and Avian Flu. So now are finally able for next step(they said once we get the results in THEN we can move on to next step) And thank god because I lost another Silkie this morning! So I told them that I would like to test for Marek’s and Avian Leukosis and told them you were helping me and said you didn’t think was necessary but to confirm for the Pullorum and they said that’s correct. But I went and was looking over things on website again in link they sent via emails as well..and realized(attached screen shot below of what I’m referring to) that there are two Avian Leukosis I’m assuming strains? A and B? Are those both done automatically whenever you request for ALV or are they considered individual testing? Basically what I mean is cost wise I’ll be charged for both A&B on top of the Marek’s as well? Sorry I’m on overload I’m just so drained was up all night crying my eyes out and trying to comfort another dying chicken and read everything I possibly could. I didn’t even go to bed yet:sickIm like experiencing a system overload from trying to take in too much info at once.


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