🐶The adventures of a little land shark with a job🦈

Is the name Pepsi

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Pepsi is training is doing okay. unfortunately the disadvantage of living in the countryside is that she only see dogs, people, cars and the “urban“ environment when we drive somewhere with her, instead of it being a daily thing 🥲 . Which means its still very exciting and interesting to her, so I have a 17kg puppy pulling in random directions :(.

we took her out to a market close to the start my mother needed to go into a shop so we waited outside. an old lady with a dog walks past and the dog starts barking at Pepsi, so Peps starts barking back and lunging 🙁 the old lady is struggling to get her dog to move so they stand there for a bit. Which of course meant Peps was to excited for the rest of the outing

she did watch some dogs from far away nicely but it was too much when they got closer.

and there have been so many people every time we go out talking and trying to distract her :hesomebody asked is she friendly then before I could answer they crouched down and started trying to get her attention:barniewhy ask if you won’t wait for an answer! Somebody else far away yelling “how old?” At me then whistling at Peps when I don’t reply, which was very confusing😆 no hello, no coming closer just yelling a question
Soda shark help “herd” The sheep into the area today. She does seem to have a bit of the instinct but no idea what to do with it 🤣 she did actually help! Normally Midge and Ghosty end up stopping somewhere to eat and Outcast and I have to walk back and try to get them to move. This time Pepsi helped keep all of the sheep together with a bit of guidance from me!

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