🐶The adventures of a little land shark with a job🦈

Is the name Pepsi

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She has started a very annoying habit of staring and pouncing at grass 😅 its all most impossible to keep her attention once she has started! my mother thinks she is pouncing at the sound of the ground draining :idunno

this meant when we went to the park to do training and work on ignoring dogs, we ended up doing no training because she would not stop staring and whining at the grass :barnie

we took her to a big pet shop recently. There where other dogs so she screamed a lot! But she did try to direct her excitement to other things, sniffing, eating treats, etc and she started calming down towards the end!

I am working a lot on building drive and playing with me, because she currently doesn’t know how to play with me very well. She prefers playing with other dogs and playing in a way I can’t 😅

I recently got a course that’s information is tailored more for protection/bite-sports dogs (STS9K), hopefully it will have helpful information, thats more Pepsi and Fanta specific!

Pepsi made out of Pepsi! But not Pepsi :lau
so far no accidents in the house which is great! Today is mostly being spent sleeping after all the stress of moving

she does not like being locked in her pen or crate, we have made progress with her being comfortable in her pen, it is day one so I expect she will get a lot better with that soon
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Pikelet (springer spaniel) is getting along better with her then expected! Pikelet is scared of small dogs but she warmed up to the land shark faster then the shark did to her 😆
So cute! Did you know that when dogs lay on your feet that means that they accept you as their owner/leader?!
thank you!
Did you know that when dogs lay on your feet that means that they accept you as their owner/leader?!
That’s actually not true! Dogs have no concept of ownership or leadership

it does mean the dog wants to spend time with you though! Which I care about a lot more 😅

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