💖 The Offical Easter Egger Lover’s Thread 💖

My EEs are 7 weeks today and growing like mad. One of the chicks crowed today, he is so cute--pretty reddish/brown with silver feathers. Next week when they are 8 weeks I will post some pics, I have one that I can't figure out if it is a boy or girls, lol! I love all your pictures, thanks for sharing
So one turned out to be a boy already. Can you keep it?
I loved my Easter Eggers and will get some again someday. 2 went because of bullying and the other 2 i got rid of because i thought my fair didnt allow them and the whole reason i got them was to show. They actually do allow them and now i really miss them, they were the best and definitely had a good personality. I could take them outside their run and they wouldnt leave me.
is this an EE? or is she an Americana?
i love the little hens with ruffs around their necks. adorable!
Yes, she's an EE.
Easter Eggers and Americaunas are the same breed.
As far as I understand, EE are a mix breed that commonly has americauna in their blood, but may be other breeds such as araucanas, and creme legbars. I think it is a common misconseption that they are the same. Sorry if this is actually incorrect, but that is my understanding of it.
As far as I understand, EE are a mix breed that commonly has americauna in their blood, but may be other breeds such as araucanas, and creme legbars. I think it is a common misconseption that they are the same. Sorry if this is actually incorrect, but that is my understanding of it.
You are correct what Tookie was saying is that the way you spelled Ameraucana is the same thing as Easter eggers but Ameraucanas are a purebred and easter eggers are mixes. Some farm stores will commonly spell Ameraucana incorrectly and sell Easter eggers but pass them off as "Americana"

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