1 broody warren hen

Hi all thanks for advice new pen built looks smart hope wind dosnt blow it down all chicks seem to like it hope this run is big enought
For them what u all say?
I thought I'd reward my best layer when she went clucky by getting her fertile eggs to hatch. She worked so hard that I'm not so sure it was a reward.

I'd ask yourself the following questions:-
1. Why do I want to set eggs?
2. Am I set up to accommodate her and chicks?
3. What am I going to do with the chicks?
If you're satisfied with your answers - go for it. There is nothing lovelier than chicks scratching around a mother hen but they grow up.

Good luck.
Very good advice. The answers are as follows
1.I could do with more chickens i sell the eggs and they fit in with the gardening cycle.
2 no im not set up to accommodate the chicks
3 the chicks could go on to be layers. The hens anyway what to do with the roosters is always a problem.

As i,ve got a Welsummer rooster who,s still only a poulet . And i,ve heard Welsummer x Warrens are v good layers i,ve decided to take the eggs. The hen can save her broodiness (do you call it ducky) for a more useful time. The hen was,nt very pleased i told her to take it up with the Australian Lady
Very good advice. The answers are as follows 1.I could do with more chickens i sell the eggs and they fit in with the gardening cycle. 2 no im not set up to accommodate the chicks 3 the chicks could go on to be layers. The hens anyway what to do with the roosters is always a problem. As i,ve got a Welsummer rooster who,s still only a poulet . And i,ve heard Welsummer x Warrens are v good layers i,ve decided to take the eggs. The hen can save her broodiness (do you call it ducky) for a more useful time. The hen was,nt very pleased i told her to take it up with the Australian Lady
Thanks for my morning giggle with your hens reaction. Tell her she'll thank me one day. Do you know how to break the clucky? Yes we call them clucky. We have lots of different terms, conditions, climate and preditors. It makes BYC very interesting reading. I don't have knowledge of your intended cross. I got pure bred Barnevelder eggs to give the roosters a better chance of finding a home and staying out of the pot. I hope the plan works. They are still growing I think I might have two roosters out of five. My mother set 12 Hamburg eggs once and got twelve roosters. Cheers
I have no idea how to break the ducky id love to know. Barnevelders are a breed im interested in i,ve read they lay well in cold weather and for western Europe we get our fair share of that here.
Im loving watching the Welsummer poulet turn into a rooster. The 12 rooster story is so funny i smile whenever i think of it. Makes me wonder if the conditions were just right to produce roosters 12 out of 12 is a big coincidence.
I have no idea how to break the ducky id love to know. Barnevelders are a breed im interested in i,ve read they lay well in cold weather and for western Europe we get our fair share of that here. 
Im loving watching the Welsummer poulet turn into a rooster. The 12 rooster story is so funny i smile whenever i think of it. Makes me wonder if the conditions were just right to produce roosters 12 out of 12 is a big coincidence. 

Well there you go, I really want a Welsummer. Here we call them cockerels before they become roosters and pullets before they become hens. I hope your boy stays quiet. I love watching them grow too.

Barnevelders are cute chicks and as they grow are turning into beautiful adults. I don't have any mature hens so I can't comment on their productivity. I couldn't say much about the cold anyway. He don't get very cold. This winter has only got as low as 7 degrees Celsius.

I wondered about the 12 out of 12 too. Like during war and the % of male babies born rises.

There is a lot of information about breaking a clucky or broody hen here on BYC. (BTW it is clucky with a C) If you don't do something she'll just keep sitting. Search the threads but basically you need to lock her up away from a nest. Something off the ground is good as it helps to cool their underside. The hormones that make them want to sit on eggs raises their temperature.

Let me know if you need more information and can't find it. But I suggest you do not use any techniques that involve water.

Keep smiling
The chicken seems to of un duckyed herself which is good. Over here we call them Cockerels or roosters when their adult and i,ve no idea what we call them when their small. The pullet thing is the same in America i,ve noticed i think ours comes from the French word Poule which means chicken hence poulet small chicken.
Barnevelders and Welsummers have a common place of origin i think they both originate from Holland. It gets cold over there too here we can get down to -18 .
That more baby boys being born in wartime is stress related i read that pregnant women who are stressed produce considerably more boys than girls its very interesting all that. Lifes just one big continual genetic experiment.

How did you know i was smiling? spooky that .
The chicken seems to of un duckyed herself which is good. Over here we call them Cockerels or roosters when their adult and i,ve no idea what we call them when their small. The pullet thing is the same in America i,ve noticed i think ours comes from the French word Poule which means chicken hence poulet small chicken.
Barnevelders and Welsummers have a common place of origin i think they both originate from Holland. It gets cold over there too here we can get down to -18 . 
That more baby boys being born in wartime is stress related i read that pregnant women who are stressed produce considerably more boys than girls its very interesting all that. Lifes just one big continual genetic experiment. 

How did you know i was smiling? spooky that .

And how did you know I was a lady? Spooky that.

That was too easy. Sometimes they don't go completely clucky or are easy to break the first time. It just took me a week to break my Silkie. They are renowned for broodiness though. Just like Warrens are renowned for not going broody. Be wary when you are ready if you want to use her. She may not stay on the eggs.

Minus 18 - Celsius Brrrrrrrr. I can't imagine looking after animals in that climate. Let alone live in it.

Do you only have Warrens? Other than your boy. We don't get them here but I believe they are similar if not the same as Isa Browns.

I love different coloured eggs in my basket, particularly dark ones. I have 2 Wheaton Marrans, 2 Australorps, 2 hybrids, a Silkie and the baby Barnies. I want Welsummers, Auracaunas and a standard size white egg layer that is not flighty, yet to be decided. I can't fit anymore in yet though.

Keep smiling

Hey Ohrealy, this is the Black Mountain here in Queensland that I love. It is on the old family property which went into the care of another family 2 years ago. I thought you might be interested given you love your Black Mountain ranges.


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