1 week old baby kittens infested badly with fleas "UPDATE WITH PICS"

work with rescue kittens. for now, your best bet is a lukewarm bath using regular dawn dishsoap (NOT antibacterial or anything) - start working the soap in at the back of their heads and work your way down their bodies towards their tails, giving the fleas nowhere to run. leave the soap on for about five minutes to drown the fleas, and then rinse. you'll also need a small flea comb to spot check their heads and faces, since you don't want soapy water in their eyes or ears, and you'll probably need to do this for a few days in a row until you're not finding anymore fleas. gently blow dry them afterwards (low setting, make sure not to overheat them) if you can, or dry them as thoroughly as possible, since kittens that young can't control their body temperatures.

once they hit about 4 weeks or 2lbs, see if you can get ahold of some capstar.

I concur, best advice. Also, if you have a good vet, see if they will let you buy a tube of Neomycin ointment for the eyes.
If you can afford it, better yet , take them in for a quick exam .​
Worms in kittens and puppies can cause eyes to be matted , i would use safeguard for kittens/cats it kills just about every worm including tape worms which i assure you they have them with all the fleas they have/had.

You get them wormed and feed them some good kitten food and they will be fine.

Keep up the good work.
The black kitten is getting taken to the vet today for the eye and sadly the gray one will have to be put to sleep when i woke up this morning her body was stiff and she is barely breathing she was fine yesterday i dont know what happened
they look older to me, 5-6 weeks. the black one's eye is probably damaged by now, and i'm sorry to hear about the grey one
they're SO fragile at this age. honestly, if i were you, i'd take them all to the vet... mention that they're foundlings, sometimes vets will be nice and give a little discount (though not always). i'd also start them on wet food. they're old enough.

PS - ask about capstar while you're at the vet, they might be old enough for it.
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They probably have feline herpesvirus (possibly rhinotracheitis). It can cause the gunked up eyes, and can turn into pneumonia and kill really fast (and could be why you lost the one kitten). If they show signs of getting sick, they'll need to be put on Amoxicillin fast. A large percentage of cats are carriers of it, and when they are showing symptoms they are contagious. It can also cause stuffy noses (a cat with a stuffy nose won't eat) and dehydration. If it is what they have, your cat has been exposed but it doesn't usually cause problems for older cats like it does for kittens. Even if you cat had shots for FHV or FVR, that doesn't make them immune. It just lessens the severity if they are exposed. Before I had all of my cats spayed/neutered, I had a lot of problems with kittens getting it so my vet just let me buy a whole bottle of powdered Amoxicillin to mix with water as needed. I also had to give them subcutaneous fluids sometimes to get their hydration up.
Thank you all for the advise i took them all to the vet today and found out they have hook worms " shivers " she gave me medicine for it and the eyes to make sure they stay clear and sad to report the black kitten was put to sleep she said the eye would have to be taken out and it would cost $250 and that it was too late and that the best thing to do was to put her to sleep so i have the two male kittens now here at home and im hoping they pull through it the orange/cream kitten seems to be the strongest he is playful and he has a good appetite but the hook worms as time passed by would have stopped all that
So the grey one that was stiff and having trouble breathing this morning is going to be ok?

Sad about the black one, but in all honesty it would have died anyway if you hadn't taken them in. Sorry you lost it

Keep us posted!
So the grey one that was stiff and having trouble breathing this morning is going to be ok?

Sad about the black one, but in all honesty it would have died anyway if you hadn't taken them in. Sorry you lost it

Keep us posted!

No mystic the gray kitten i named her Jasmine was put to sleep yesterday she was barely alive when i woke up yesterday morning and saw her way in the back when i saw that and how she wasnt sleeping with her littlermates i knew something was wrong cause they sleep together for warmth and then the black one Ciera was put to sleep an hour ago i just wish i could have caught the slime ball dumping the kittens cause he would have been charged with the task of paying all the vet bills and maybe had some jail time and in a few weeks i hope to put up new pictures of Chester and Milo

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