1 week, they grow fast (lots o' pics)

Awww... I have 2 that are 2 weeks old. A GLW and a Cuckoo Maran. They are growing in their feathers. Yours are really cute!! I especially like the Salmon Faverolle. I want one, but by April I will be up to 16 hens!!! So the inn is full!!
Awesome pics, but HOW do you get them to stand still?!

I just picked up ours today, theyre all drinking, eating, and chirping
For the most part they all stood still, except for the little Australorp "Chicky". She doesn't like to be away from the flock. She actually jumped onto my arm and then to a chair trying to hop back into the brooder!

Cute ones
Hopefully they are all girls, except the two at the end (though the one darker one makes me think its a girl) The first 9 were ordered as pullets, the last two packing peanuts! It will be fun to see how they turn out
So adorable. I got little chickies last Monday for Valentines Day. I got Buff Orpingtons, naked necks, black leghorns, blue laced red wyandottes, rhode island reds, partridge rock, blue andalusian, white wyandottes, white rocks and yeah, they have grown fast.

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