10 Baby Wood Ducks (1st thought they were Mallards)

Released the ducks today ... again. This time, they were out with my 9 pullets. Overhead is a huge oak tree, and adult wood ducks love acorns. I don't think they're quite ready to eat them yet. The little boy flew to the top of the roof over the run, stayed for a millisecond and then flew back to the ground.

This is incredible! Thank you for sharing this story!
They know that they don't like dogs, and they go over to the other side of the run when the dogs walk past. Actually, they run away from anything that is different. Interestingly, the web site that gave me such great advice also says that it's a good idea to leave grains near the location of release. If I did that, I think I'd be setting them up for a fox attack. I'm crossing that recommendation off my list.
It’s good that they know that about dogs. Mine try to jump on my dogs backs all the time, and I am afraid one day my dogs will finally snap!

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