10 Baby Wood Ducks (1st thought they were Mallards)

I just wanted to say I read through all 27 pages and have enjoyed your journey immensely so far. Congratulations on getting them along this far. :)

God bless you for taking the time, and thank you. They're not interested in leaving right now. We'll see if they have an attitude adjustment when breeding season comes around next spring.
Haven't posted anything in a while. Thought it would be nice to post a pic of the babies. Winter coloring is coming in.

DH finally built the duck box, and we installed it this afternoon. Babies are staying away from their *penthouse perch* for now (their favorite roost, seen in the above pic). It may take a few days for them to get use to the box. Opening is pretty big. When weather gets cooler, I'll add some pieces to close up the front opening a little more. There's a platform connecting the penthouse perch to the box, so they can waddle into the box from the perch.



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