10 Baby Wood Ducks (1st thought they were Mallards)

In early October, my DH built a raised corner box in the covered run for the ducks. It was placed right behind their favorite roost. After installing it, the ducks wouldn't go near it. It was obviously a huge, big ol' monster that was going to devour them. Fast forward almost 3 months later, and this morning is the FIRST time I've seen them return to their favorite perch, corner box be damned.


Before the corner box was installed. They prefer roosting high.

Once breeding gets under way I bet they will be checking that box out.

I'd close it in more and put a lip in front to keep eggs from being rolled out and bedding in. You know how wood duck houses look like so being a little more closed in but still open enough you can get in there and clean it out might make them like it better. That is a beautiful work your dh did.
I have 2 pieces of wood in the basement specially sized so we can close it up more, and then I can add a lip to it. I never added those pieces because they avoided the box and roost like the plague ... 'til today.

I know I'll probably get eggs. Not planning on having any hatch. Do you think they're edible? Hmm ...
I have 2 pieces of wood in the basement specially sized so we can close it up more, and then I can add a lip to it. I never added those pieces because they avoided the box and roost like
I know I'll probably get eggs. Not planning on having any hatch. Do you think they're edible? Hmm ...
I see no problem eating them, they will be small we eat out bantam chicken eggs.
So, my original coop has a chicken door with ramp, a large access door, and another access door that opens to the outside run, which is where I am standing. After the babies have had some fun in the outside run -- swimming, munching on tasty things, and waddling around, they often do this -- plant themselves on the nice bedding looking off to coop #2 and "inside" play yards.

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