10 Gallon aquarium- convert to incubator?

If you have a heater that can go on the bottom, cover it in water, cover the tank and see if you can get the temp right.

If you can keep a good, stable temp, then you would have to construct some kind of shelf or cage that the eggs would go in.
Yeah...you have water in the bottom, some kind of shelf or basket above the water.

This takes care of your humidity AND your heat.
Well, I made an incubator out of an acrylic cigar humidor. Not having it insulated did makes temps swing a lot. Styrofoam will work and if you buy a sheet you can cut it to size.

I found this pic online....something along this line??

Wow the possibilities. They are some very creative people here. Can you guy's stop what your doing and go to Washington and work on the ecomony for a couple of weeks. I think we really need some regular people who know how to think.
Has anyone tried folding up a heating blanket...like one that has an adjustable thermostat from L...1...2...3...etc...H and put it underneath the fish tank? Does it get hot enough?
I suppose you could stick styrofoam on the back and sides to hold in heat. Then just leave the front for viewing. No real reason you need to see through all 4 sides of an aquarium. That's how they make cheap large tanks sometimes. Especially for large saltwater tanks. Get 1 pane of glass for the front and make the rest out of waterproofed wood. Sometimes they don't even do the whole front in glass but make unique shaped viewing windows. Of course then there's also what I'm doing which is take apart a large tank and use the large front, back, and bottom panes to make 2 or 3 tanks with wood for the sides and bottom. You could make 3 incubators if you cut the silicone and replaced all but the front with styrofoam. You'd also have the 2 side panes left for whatever. If you don't need it to hold water a fish tank can be turned into many containers.
Can you guy's stop what your doing and go to Washington and work on the ecomony for a couple of weeks.

I think after I fired the first 4,000 people they might chase me back to Colorado​

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