10 month old Speckled Sussex not laying, defective claws.....

I too have Speckled Sussex I got 5 from a feed store they hatched out the 15th of July. 4 of them are laying now. They started on Dec 17th. One still is not laying she has had sour crop now for 2 weeks. Her comb and waddle are still small and not as red as her sisters.

I would guess your pullet has a nest hidden someplace. Does she or did she ever squat for you? About a week after mine started squatting they started laying.

good Luck
The thought of a hidden nest did cross my mind after my RIR, who always lays in the nest box, dropped one under the deck. I crawled under there with a flashlight and also a thourough search of the flower beds yeilded nothing, not even an indentation. When my three older birds went into molt and stopped laying I enclosed them on the grass. Lots of yard, but no nooks and crannies to lay in. She has never squatted, or done that funny little walk they do sometimes right before laying. No interest in the nest boxes. Just a pretty, glossy bird with lots of personality. She's my eye candy chicken, especially compared with the other girls who are really rough looking at the moment.
FWIW, my EE cockerel has two crooked toes and I'm fairly certain his is a genetic quirk since it's not an outer toe and the defect is the same on both feet. Without seeing a photo, I can only guess but your description sounds similar. My Clark's crooked toes don't slow him down in the slightest. He sexually matured at a normal rate and he's not having any fertility issues. So, I doubt that your chicken's crooked toes are at all related to delayed laying. Short days, OTOH, could be... if you're certain that she's a she and that she isn't laying in a hidden nest.
I have the same problem, she is 10 months, same breed, crooked toes and long nails, sleeps in the nesting box not on the roosts, appears to be low bird on chain but will not tolerate abuse. She has always been a loner while free ranging and has never laid an egg or crowed. Not sure she even makes noises??come to think of it. She is not curious about me like the others and I am considering culling her and moving on. I want eggs not pet chickens. So wondering how your original problem faired out? did she eventually lay or was she a dud? Thanks
oh and no squatting like the others either. someone I talked to suggested I check her pelvis (not sure what to look for)
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