10 weeks old, I think I have a roo


In the Brooder
8 Years
Oct 23, 2011
North SD County
Instead of getting eggs when my hen went broody, I bought day old chicks. The feed store said they were 95% certain the chicks were female. (How can they make that claim at that age?).

I put them under my broody and she has been a wonderful mom.
(By the way, I would never have attempted this if it wasn't for all the great information on this website).

Now they are 10 weeks old and I'm starting to think I may have a roo. Mainly because of its behavior. He/she will run up to the others and puff the neck feathers and stand real tall. Just briefly. I think they're playing. Do females do that?

All four are the same breed, Rhode Island Red. The one I think is a roo has more black coloring in the tail feathers.

Here's a picture of the one I think is a roo


I think these two in the foreground are hens. Daisy in the background is my oldest, my sweetest and my best layer right now. Unfortunately, all the others are skittish.

Yay! Thanks everyone!

I finally have all hens. Oh boy that's a lot of eggs when they all start laying. :D

My first attemp, I had four eggs. All four hatched. One chick was killed right away by another hen. Two of them turned out to be roosters that I got rid of.

2nd time I got six eggs. Only one hatched and luckily she was a hen. That hen went broody and become mom to the four chicks I have now which I purchased when they were a day old.

6 is good. I don't have room for more.
I have four RIR that are 10 weeks and one adult. It's going to be hard to tell them apart until I get to know their personalities. But the black feathers will help.

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