12-13 weeks old, boy or girl frizzle?


7 Years
Mar 30, 2013
Atlanta, GA

Even though I know I should probably wait for a crow or an egg... I can't help but wonder if Harold Crick is a boy or girl. Postings at 4 weeks old had very mixed results on whether or not she is a boy or girl. She showed signs of a comb and wattles fairly early, but they haven't grown much since they showed up (around 3 weeks old). She is beginning to get redness around her eyes. She is approx. 12-13 weeks now.

Can you tell gender based on feather on frizzles? It's hard to tell because they seem to go every direction! The last picture she is with our confirmed cochin/silkie rooster, they are the same age.
yeah there look cute
For those with frizzles is there a way to tell gender based on feathering? I feel like the typical hackle and saddle feathers are more difficult to discern when the feathers are sticking out like crazy.

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