12 dead birds and charges filed *update 1st court date today*

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Yes, we have a shotgun, among other firearms. The problem is that you can't patrol your yard 24/7.

The thing is: You shouldn't have to patrol your yard to begin with... I was just hoping you could catch them on your property again before they do any more damage and "take care of them".

I hope you win your case and the dogs are removed from their owners!

If I do catch them on my property, I will shoot them. On at least one previous occasion, they were loose and another neighbor shot at and missed them. Too bad his aim was off.

I had the same thing happen . 1st we lost 2 americanas. we told the owner about it he said he'd keep his dog tied up a week later .2 golden pheasants . we called him againand said if it happens again were not being so nice.and left it at that . a day latter 2 flemish giants . we called him and the cops. the cops said they would come and file a report.noone ever came thing is this dog also killed a ladies cat 5 miles away. and 7 catsfrom ourlocal feed mill everyone reports it.but the cops do nothing. all our animals were ripped out of their cages and hutches. we thougt they were safe for the night. wronge!!!
That's a shame. It is things like that that cause law abiding people to take the law into their own hands. Is it legal to shoot dogs on your property where you live? It is legal here.
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Unfortunately once the dogs have tasted blood they will continue to hunt and look for more prey items to kill, be it chickens, a cat, another dog, sheep or other livestock, and may also turn to hunting deer and other wildlife. And sadly that is what these animals were developed for, to hunt and kill.

In the old days, if a dog was caught chasing sheep or other lievstock it was shot on the spot, no questions asked. In most rural communities, You might want to check the books for this, if the owner could be found he was responsible for not only replacing or paying the cost of the slaughtered livestock, but also the potential loss from future offspring up to triple the damages.

That was in addition to any fines that the judge may impose.

Keep on Squeaking!
Hhhmmm, new pistol, eh? It might be time to renew my CHL, things are gettin' tetchy around here! And I should clean the shotgun while I'm at it. Keep squeaking...
WOW! I've been watching and watching this thread to find out the outcome of this whole mess, but have been so busy that I missed it when you posted it. Boy it sounds like you have some real winners for DA's there!
Scary to think that they even passed the State Bar exam!

Good luck with everything and YOU GO GIRL!
Can't wait to hear the final outcome of it all.
Last one I shot was right in front of its owner and a deputy sheriff. Dog was in my pasture running my horses, I caught the dog and called the sheriff, sheriff and the owner showed up about the same time. Sheriff told the owner to take his dog and keep it under control, owner was walking out of the pasture and turned the dog loose, dog started after the horses and I shot it, deputy was pulling his weapon out but I beat him to it. Deputy told the owner to get his dog and that if anything happened to my horses the deputy would be looking for the dog owner.

Almost shot one in a parking lot but thats another story.
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