12th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

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After I wrote this, I went outside and discovered one of my cats (she was part of a feral cat population I'm caring for) who had been ill passed away Sunday morning. That evening when my chickens went in to roost, Ellie was acting as if she was in bad pain. She tried to hide in the nest. I pulled her out and set her on the floor and she collapsed. She died about ten minutes later. 😭 It was a shock because we had been out free-ranging and she was happily scratching in a leaf pile for a while before asking to be let into the henhouse. This hurts worse than Layla because Layla only came to me for treats and food. Ellie would follow me around and I could pick her up and pet her if I wanted, so we were much closer. I'm still in shock, and I'm wondering if Layla actually didn't fly into the chicken house wall during the storm and if something else is going on. My parents and grandma think it could be snakebite, but no eggs are missing, though Ellie's last egg did have weird grooves in it that were spaced out like a snake's fangs had glided over the surface? But I've never seen a snake go after a chicken like this. Also, Ellie's body had no bite marks that I could see. I'm so concerned for the others right now. Three deaths in one day is enough, I don't want any more to follow in the days to come.
I’m so sorry
Another one hatched!
Holly Carp pass me the paper bag. I just saw the first egg wiggle out of the corner of my eye, and thought we were getting an earthquake. There it’s wiggling again! What do I do??!
*****Edited to add, looked up “wiggling eggs” and will candle for internal pip. Otherwise will leave it alone 😅View attachment 2592805
Sureeeeeeeeeee... I found a whole stash of them! :lau
Holly Carp pass me the paper bag. I just saw the first egg wiggle out of the corner of my eye, and thought we were getting an earthquake. There it’s wiggling again! What do I do??!
*****Edited to add, looked up “wiggling eggs” and will candle for internal pip. Otherwise will leave it alone 😅View attachment 2592805
Does that say “pajama” on that egg?😊
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