13 Week EE Injured (17 wks now) ~Vet Update Not Good~ *Graphic Pics *

I'm so very sorry to hear about your little baby. I hope she will be okay. I hope that she will be able to see. We had a friend who had a blind horse and it did perfectly fine (of course it stayed in the pasture), but it got around ok. Did ok with the other horses, and they tend to pick on the sickly. Hopefully her vision won't be affected, but if so there is still a chance. Don't ever give up. Good luck with her, and hope you get your predator. I'd be waiting for that little sucker to come back. I'd have something for him.
Good news! She really fought me today when I was trying to feed and clean her. It made things tougher for me, of course, but I know it's a good sign for her.

I dipped her beak in some water again and she actually took a few tiny sips. Not much, but better than just sitting there, which, she did too.

I tried dippering her beak in the yogurt too, but she didn't do anything with that. Ah well, baby steps.

When I was cleaning the worse of the two puncture wounds, I noticed that as I got some water in there, a little tiny bit of pus came out. I kept cleaning and then noticed that the wound actually has a bit of a flap to it, tiny, but when I caught it with the q-tip, whoo, the smell!
The same smell that's coming from the nasal discharge.

It was recommended to me to use a Betadine wash, so I used that today too. Also, still continuing to use the Gentian Violet. I like using that, cuz I can see so well where it comes out.

Anyhow, she's still pretty listless. I haven't taken outside, because we have a real fly problem here. (There were bad flies in the house from the day we moved in, before we even had any animals). I don't know how I'd be able to keep them from her. We have a hard enough time keeping them from getting in the house. (Trying to get the kids to remember to close the screen door is a pain in the rear...my 18 month old does better than my 18 year old
, of course, to him it's fun, to her it's a chore.)

Thanks to all of you for your ongoing support!!!! It's very important to me.
Ohhhh you found the pocket of infection. That's awesome!!! Yes, I like a betadine wash to clean. I make it of warm water and enough betadine to make it like a nice strong iced tea. That recipe was given to me by a veterinarian when I had a guineapig that had internal infections that needed flushing. It's been repeated by myself and other vets for various "oops" situations down the years. It's a keeper.

I'm glad she swallowed - good sign that she *can* sip, even if a little.

And yes on the flies - they lovve chickens. I'd keep her as far from them as you can until she clears up that area better if you have that option. Hey, we had a pekin duck in my garden sized bath tub for a few weeks for a set of dog bites. /sigh But it's remarkable easy to clean if you put down a rubber welcome mat. /grin

Now that you know where that flap is, you can get air in there and a nice gentle iodine wash and then dry it. That'll help things tremendously!!

Now - you're part of the sniffing team. I always tell people to smell the clean wounds. They have a specific smell - not lovely, but it's a clean wound smell. Once you smell the variations of bad wound, you'll never forget the difference. Suddenly clean woulds do actually smell lovely.

So I'm a wound sniffer, a chicken hugger, ...... hmmm what else.

I'm so pleased for you!
Just wanted you to know that we (my husband and I ) are totally caught up in your story.. we cried (ok I did) at the pics of your baby and we wake up in the morning and run to turn on the computer to see if you have updated the little hens condition... all our prayers are with you and we hope she keeps on getting on up....
thanks so much for sharing...
I went to work early today, so my daughter is taking care of her, so I can't get a status update so far today, but here's one for last night's care session.

She definitely is reacting to the light when I turn it on (I've got a lamp by her for illuminating things while I'm cleaning her). So, I know she can for sure still see. Now the question will be, how well? I won't know that until she can keep her eyes open. Right now, they at least are not becoming glued shut every time. They have the tiniest of slits open, not even as wide as this letter "I", but at least it's progress.

She also fought me a lot last night. She was very vocal about her dissatisfaction. Especially with the feeding, she kept shaking her head and splattering yogurt all over me. I gotta tell you, puppy pads are great for caring for an injured chicken. I wrap her in it, so she doesn't poop on me, I can wipe stuff off on it, and it soaks up the water she dribbles or I use to clean her, and it catches the yogurt! Much better than a towel.

Oh yeah, and the swelling (on the worse side) has noticeably improved in just the time between the early cleaning and the late cleaning. I suppose I should stop calling it swelling, since it's really the infection and hardened pus. (Sorry, so graphic, I just don't want to be the only having to be grossed out by it all.

She can close her mouth now too. If only she could breathe through her nose, she could probably keep it closed.

All in all, she's doing so much better. Physically, at least. She just needs to start eating on her own and somehow have her spirits raised. I'm still at a loss as to how to get her happier. Since I can't take her outside due to the flies, I just don't know what else might help her.

That's all for now, I'll update tonight, if I can, otherwise, I'll be sure and update again tomorrow.

It's so nice to know that there are people out there watching our story and pulling for her. I appreciate all the good thoughts and well wishes!!!
It is so great to see devoted pet owners! I too just went through a horrible injury with one of my chickens and she spent 1 month inside till she was better and could go back in the coop. I understand what you are going through! Happy to see she is doing better!
Well this is all good news! I had to just laugh at the yogurt-splattering and the good hints about puppy pee pads! I'll have to remember that one!

I love that she can close her beak now. It took her all this time to do that, I'd expect a similar amount of time for her to be able to open and close in order to be able to pick up food. That's a target goal.

Her reacting to light is great! And talking to you - also good.

Really, this is an unusual amount of progress in a short time. A good sign.

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