14 week old hens still won’t return to coop at night


May 15, 2021
Marianna, Fl
I have 12 hens. At 7 weeks we moved them outside to the coop which is a chicken tractor style. We left them in there for two or three weeks before free ranging them. However here we are at 14 weeks and they still don’t return? Every evening we get them and put them in... whyyyy? We are going to be building a new coop for them the next couple weeks that is larger... plan on leaving them in there for a couple weeks when we do. Is there anything I’m missing?
I assume you're building a new coop because the chicken tractor set up has problems. Perhaps the chickens are aware of these problems. If it's dirty or doesn't feel secure you can make some changes to accommodate them. If the problem is ventilation, crowding, or something else you can't really do anything about you'll probably just be rounding them up until you can get the new coop built.
Where is it that they want to spend the evening? Studying that may help explain why they don't want to return to the coop.
They hang out in the yard near it and kinda just lay down wherever they’re at when the sun goes down...
Where is it that they want to spend the evening? Studying that may help explain why they don't want to return to the coop.
I assume you're building a new coop because the chicken tractor set up has problems. Perhaps the chickens are aware of these problems. If it's dirty or doesn't feel secure you can make some changes to accommodate them. If the problem is ventilation, crowding, or something else you can't really do anything about you'll probably just be rounding them up until you can get the new coop built.
The coop now is a 5x 10 run we had for a flock of 4. It’s safe sturdy and clean. We are building a lighter one out of metal with a bigger house and run. They don’t go up in the current house at all but it is small.
Perhaps they sleep on the ground because it's their only option? In my experience chickens are most comfortable roosting together, if for no other reason that they poop a lot at night and don't like to stand in it. Also, even if being off the ground a few feet won't protect them from raccoons if they get in, it will provide some security from mice and snakes. Things crawling over your toes can be a big distraction from sleep. Depending on how soon the new coop will be finished its probably not worth adding roosts in the old co-op unless you'll be using it to brood chicks at some time in the future.

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