I have 15 eggs up for auction. they will be out of my ameraucana mostly and as of right now I have 4 standard cochin eggs But if I get more By the time of shipping I will put them in as well. the roo is a red brown frizzle standard cochin.these eggs will be beautiful chick. I had goning very nice baby chicks. the blue eggers some will have feather leggs and some will be frizzle as with the cochin. here are a few pics of the hens. the cochin all i have are blue, the ameraucanas they are in partridge, white, blue buff. cant say you will get more then 15 but if they lay more I will send them. shipping is 15.00 cause they are large eggs. please pay ASAP so I can mail them next day. this is a one day sale. thank you and may GOD Bless!ttp/www.backyardchickens.com/forum/uploads/thumbs/49373_sdc10115.jpg[/img][/URL]