15 week Black Silkies. Pullets or cockrels?


Feb 20, 2024
Mid-Willamette Valley, Oregon
I have 2 15 week old Black silkies, Jellybean and Snickerdoodle. Jellybean has less poof and feather length on head and neck and Snickerdoodle is developing waddles. Both developing ok size crowns. No red/purple coloration on crown or waddles. No crowing yet. No big streamers that I see.

Both are decently dominant in my flock of 18 standard sized chickens of the same age. They sleep on the top roost and peck all others out of their way for food and roost. They are not timid. Snickerdoodle is slightly more in charge, but they do challenge eachither doing their 'jump kicks/chest bumping' craziness. All things I was told is unlike silkies. They will finally let me pet/hold them (and seem to ejoy it) if I grab them when they are distracted eating only. Definitely not the ones to come sit/visit with me on their own.

I heard they can be hard to sex until 6 months without crowing. Any experts have an idea?

15 weeks Snickerdoodle .jpg

Jellybean :
15 weeks Jellybean.jpg

Side by side :
15 wks Snickerdoodle and Jellybean together .jpg
I'm voting Cockerels, behavior wise and the crest shape. Plus at least personally I wouldn't expect to see wattles on pullets that same age
I was leaning that way too. We're out in the country far from neighbors, so hopefully they're not obnoxious crowers. All the other chickens definitely appear to be pullets. As long as they keep their manners with the hens they'll have a home with us.

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