16 year old Goldilocks laid an egg.

Thanks, I dont really do anything special, I just let them be!
They dont live in a dirty coop, they freerange all day then get locked in their house at night.
They live on scratch mix and lettuce and fresh water daily.
Hay and pine shavings in nest, insulated coop and lots of sunshine, and I talk to them and say goodnight to them!!!
That is so COOL! Yay, Goldilocks!!

My neighbor across the road always asks, "Do you still have chickens?" before she brings them scraps. And they're only 24 weeks old! (the chickens, not my neighbors).

Now, I can assure her that they could be around for a very long time!
Well Helen, When I saw the topic....then read who posted it, I should have guessed it was YOUR hen! What a GREAT chicken mom you must be! First to get her to 16 years old, and THEN to have her lay? WOW!! I think YOU need to be recognised as well as the hen! WAY TO GO!!

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