18 weeks and I still can't tell gender of hamburgh x

I'll throw my two cents in here and say roo. I definitely see saddle feathers and face/comb/wattles seem too red for an 18 week old pullet. It is not uncommon for the non-alpha roo not to crow at all (saves them from a smack down from the alpha roo).
I had a non-alpha cockerel who did not crow or try to mount a hen until he was 22 weeks old. He even was late growing saddle/hackle feathers.

I stand by my vote of cockerel/roo.

I also have a trio of bachelors - the lowest in pecking order did not crow until the beginning of this month (June - I almost fell over when I heard his scraggly voice), he hatched October '09. He did have saddle/hackle feathers but no crow until 9 months.
Do you have a way to separate him/her from the other roosters and maybe give him a couple of ladies of his own? He could be the lowest cockerel on the totem pole, by giving him his own flock of hens and his own territory maybe he'd "mature" a lot quicker and you'd know whether he was a boy or girl much sooner?
Well, I just thought I would update....

Still Don't know
But all the other roosters are gone, so there is just my big boy and this un - know gender freaking bird!!

still not crowing & no eggs...I locked IT up with the rooster they did nothing....NO fighting NO mating

I then decided to lock it up with a female........and yes........nothing happened??

So I guess i will keep waiting till the darn thing does something!! & It better lay a *%&#ing EGG!!!! OR OFF WITH ITS HEAD!! ARGGG!!!!
That looks like a girl

ETA: i just noticed the neck feathers in the new pic and now i'm confused too.......
but i think there are more girl signs
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do you have a good pic of the saddle feather? its hard to see heshe is sooo white. maybe take a pic with your hand in the saddle feathers to offset the feathers and shape
Let me preface this guess with the fact that I am totally new at the chicken raising process - but the way the chicken carries itself I would guess a pullet/hen.


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