19 and a half weeks old and still no eggs :( egg countdown anyone??

One of my 23 week old girls, I think it's the Salmon Faverolle, finally laid her first egg today!! Yay!!

Now if the rest of the gang could get on board......
Yea!!!! Got a beautiful egg today! My pet EE is the one I'm sure. Gave them cream of wheat with scratch mixed in for a reward! They are 25 1/2 weeks so hang in there all you expectant mom's!

Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting. I've never waited this long for anything haha, well except my own children.

Waiting, waiting too! They are 23 weeks. I have a little talk with them every morning and yet . . . no eggs!

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Oh yes I am WAITING!!! I have 7 that are 20 and a half weeks old, some are doing the egg squat and I keep checking to see if their bones (in the back don't know what they are called) have expanded to get ready for laying. I feel like everytime I pick them up to check the bones and vents they are like hey lady stop checking out my private parts!! haha. I want the eggs, out of the 4 I have laying one is molting, bless her heart she looks so ragged and 1 who decied to go broody and is sitting on the plastic easter eggs and a golf balls. So that leaves just 2 laying! COUNTING DOWN!!!
My one & only Blue Cochen pullet that I kept this season was 7mo old on 10/07/12. She laid her first egg today!! Yea!
AND her Momma is Broody now for the 4th time in the past 11 months
. I didn't want any Winter chicks, but she was insistant. After taking the days eggs away from her for the past 3 evenings, I gave her 5 eggs this evening.

I have 4 Brown Leghorns & 5 RIR's that will be 6mo old the 30th of this month. So far only 1 of the BL is laying since the 8th of this month. One of the RIR's looks ready any time now.
My friend who got her chicks the same time as me texted me to say she found a small egg today. I have been impatiently waiting for one the past few weeks, as the are about 24 weeks old! I have decided that a watched coop never lays!

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