19 and a half weeks old and still no eggs :( egg countdown anyone??

After waiting 20 weeks...we got our first eggs! Two RIRs are laying, and one Blue Andalusian. This is so much fun! There are still 7 hens left to begin laying, but so far we've had almost 2 dozen eggs from the 3 that are laying now. The girls are now 21 weeks old. Good luck everyone!
My oldest chickens are 31 weeks old. Lookee what I FINALLY found??
A buff orp egg on left (duck egg on right)

Our first egg!!!

Excuse my typos. Sent from my iPhone.
After 25 weeks, finally, my very first, very pretty, blue egg. I couldn't be more proud if I had laid it myself. I had bought 2 adult EE's over a year ago and I get a green egg and a pretty pinkish egg. So, i decided to hatch my own. Bought a few fertile eggs here and there, locally. It's been a long wait. Sadly enough, my pic doesn't do the blue justice. I was told to add color, blue-maybe a dinosaur sippy cup head, apple-even it doesn't look red in the photo, white paper and a black cat's tail. Sally was good enough to let me use her tail. I'm so happy. (Is it layed or laid?)
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Check out the size of this egg that Rascal laid today. It is by far her largest one yet. The egg carton doesn't want to close. I'm hoping for a double yoke.

My EE, Peckles, laid an egg like this after her first molt. It was green. Hubby wouldn't let me bring her in for a sitz bath. I felt so bad for her. It was a double yolk and my carton wouldn't close either. Very nice.

it's official, all of my 27 1/2 weeks old girls are laying! Isis finally gave me a light bluish green egg today! so now I am just waiting for Peach, a 21 1/2 week old Bantam cochin x EE... i loved the wait, they are so enjoyable and it was exciting even if a bit disappointing, but once it started... it was only 2 weeks before they all started!

I have 8 EE's that I'm waiting on. The first being a very pretty blue. I very much enjoyed the photo's of your chicken dome. I hope that you and yours keep safe from the storm.
I have 8 EE's that I'm waiting on. The first being a very pretty blue. I very much enjoyed the photo's of your chicken dome. I hope that you and yours keep safe from the storm.
can't wait to find out what colors you get from your EE's... it's so cool to have such a variety of shades... thanks for the compliments on the chicken dome, it's withstood 45-50 mph winds already with nary an issue, I sure do hope another 25 mph won't faze it, but I'm fully prepared to bring the whole gang inside the back room for the storm. the carpet in there needs to be pulled up anyway, it would just get done that much faster if I have to bring them inside to poop on it... I'm way up on the hilltop, I'm safe from flooding, however, I do have springs, and the high water table that will result means water in the basement, but the generator is on hand to run the pumps if the power goes out... this doesn't look good for the valley areas tho'. I'll go crazy trying to stay up on all my byc reading if I'm stuck on my smart phone or the kindle...

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