19 and a half weeks old and still no eggs :( egg countdown anyone??

I have a Wellsummer born April 2012 who still has still not laid. Her comb is getting bigger and brighter every day...hopefully with the days getting longer she will surprise us soon,

OMGEEEEE!! I am so excited, I got my first little egg today and it is perfect! My Welsummer is 32 weeks old today, Happy Birthday to me!!
Probably not fair to mention this to you peeps just getting eggs from your April 2012 flock, but my September 2012 birds have started to lay. White eggs were first -- California Whites -- and a few brown eggs, too, probably from the Speckled Sussex. Weeee! Pullet eggs are so CUTE!
Oh yes! great hypothesis, and even though the "ideal" day length won't occur naturally until like April 27th or so next spring, I'm willing to take bets on the fact that these young pullets will be laying up a storm even in Feb & March if the weather cooperates and we get some beautiful warm spring days.....Leslie you and Nelson are gonna be swimminng in eggs and birds OMGosh......
LOL yeah they have started to pick up in their laying i mean now we have have at least 95 girls maybe more I need to count be we are getting a lot of eggs this past week.
My 3 girls have done a great job of keeping us in eggs this winter, but today I found my first soft shelled egg broken in the nesting box. They do get oyster shell with their food so I am not sure why this happened. I don't know which one laid it, but I am hoping not to find another anytime soon.
My 3 girls have done a great job of keeping us in eggs this winter, but today I found my first soft shelled egg broken in the nesting box. They do get oyster shell with their food so I am not sure why this happened. I don't know which one laid it, but I am hoping not to find another anytime soon.

I gather that if a chicken takes a little break from laying she can have funny "starter" eggs again. I wouldn't worry about it too much.

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