19 and a half weeks old and still no eggs :( egg countdown anyone??

My girls are twenty two weeks old and STILL no eggs. This is my first flock so we are anxiously waiting. I have two silkies and a Brahma (all banties). We got a faux egg about three weeks ago from someone but nothing since. Any opinions on whether I will get eggs this year or will I have to wait until spring?
Make sure your girls are getting enough calcium, that should help with the soft-shell problem, but as Leslie said, first eggs ae always a bit wierd...
Thank you! I put out some oyster shell and today I found a pretty white egg in the nest box with a perfectly hard shell. It had to have come from my white leghorn, Pot Pie.
Third time must have been the charm.
I'm so proud of my girls!
Our Brown Leghorn rooster, back when he still in the brooder sometimes he would say "rrrreep, rrrrreep" while all the females were saying "peep peep." It was soooooo cute!

I had a really handsome Fayoumi rooster, it was so weird, when he was a chick he was picked on so we put him in a separate brooder with one other chicky, then we put another in a day later and he made this huge squeaking kind of noise, we didn't even know he was a boy then.... I never heard it again but it wasn't long before he was bossing the others around instead of them bossing him :)....
Duck eggs make awesome pancakes. They taste great fried, too -- so I have a hard time deciding what I'll do with them. I've read that duck egg yolks have more of the emulsifiers in them (the stuff that binds oil and water), and therefore they make really fluffy baked goods. I like to put extra eggs in my pancakes ... so tasty. One day I'm going to try to make mayonnaise with a duck egg. Our duck hasn't missed a day since she started laying. Her eggs are a very consistent size and color, and she has finally started putting them in the nesting box instead of laying them in the kiddie pool. I can't wait to get more ducks.
Our 2 female ducks kept laying eggs for some time after the Drake disapeared. Since we knew the eggs weren't fertile we ate them. They were like the richest of the richest chicken egg! We Loved the flavor!!!
Yup, we are STILL here. This is worse than waiting to go into labor with my son.

My girls are 25 (Bantam Cochin), 24 (Light Brahma and Dark Brahma) and 23 (EEs) weeks and NADA! I have comfy nesting boxes with a golf ball, a white fake egg AND a brown fake egg. Argh.I have searched the run, the coop and yard (just in case) and nothing.

There really are eggs coming, right?!
Duck eggs make awesome pancakes. They taste great fried, too -- so I have a hard time deciding what I'll do with them. I've read that duck egg yolks have more of the emulsifiers in them (the stuff that binds oil and water), and therefore they make really fluffy baked goods. I like to put extra eggs in my pancakes ... so tasty. One day I'm going to try to make mayonnaise with a duck egg. Our duck hasn't missed a day since she started laying. Her eggs are a very consistent size and color, and she has finally started putting them in the nesting box instead of laying them in the kiddie pool. I can't wait to get more ducks.
What kind of ducks do you have? They are awesome little characters aren't they? So question, when she layed them in the pool....were you still able to eat them ok?
I'm planning on taking the kiddie pool away here soon after it starts to freeze really good anyway.....seems kinda gross to eat an egg that came out in the pool.....
Yup, we are STILL here. This is worse than waiting to go into labor with my son.

My girls are 25 (Bantam Cochin), 24 (Light Brahma and Dark Brahma) and 23 (EEs) weeks and NADA! I have comfy nesting boxes with a golf ball, a white fake egg AND a brown fake egg. Argh.I have searched the run, the coop and yard (just in case) and nothing.

There really are eggs coming, right?!
When you least expect it.
Yup, we are STILL here. This is worse than waiting to go into labor with my son.

My girls are 25 (Bantam Cochin), 24 (Light Brahma and Dark Brahma) and 23 (EEs) weeks and NADA! I have comfy nesting boxes with a golf ball, a white fake egg AND a brown fake egg. Argh.I have searched the run, the coop and yard (just in case) and nothing.

There really are eggs coming, right?!

My girls are 28 weeks and only the Golden Comets are laying. The EEs aren't even squatting...
What kind of ducks do you have? They are awesome little characters aren't they? So question, when she layed them in the pool....were you still able to eat them ok?

After some research and debate, we ate the eggs she laid in the pool. They tasted very nice. We have a pair of Ruane ducks, the smaller version of that breed. They look like large Mallards, and are a French breed. They are such a cute couple. When they wander off, I just have to quack like the female and the male comes to find me, the female right behind him.

We are hoping to have more of this breed and maybe get some other breeds, too. Ducks are so darling -- not quite as much personality as a small flock of turkeys, but easier to keep and plenty of fun to watch.

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