19 kids & counting....

I think any child is a blessing, however, when you can't afford the large quantity you already have, and you almost double that quantity, that just doesn't make sense to me. I saw a clip of her talking to Oprah, and I seriously don't think that lady is right in the head.
Ok so a child concieved with help is a gift of science, so a naturally concieved child would be from lust pure and simple. A child is a child, blessings are as one sees them.

not in octomoms case... she did not have fertility issues she has greed issues.. she said so her self on Oprah yesterday
Every child is a blessing and a gift from God.

Just don't expect me to be your cheerleader if you keep popping them out and can't even afford to feed or clothe them.
Back to the topic of why the 19th Duggar baby was a premie... Michelle had gallbladder problems during the pregnancy and developed preeclampsia while in the hospital. Her blood pressure shot way up and they had to do an emergency c-section, when she was less than 25 weeks along with Josie. Michelle was 43 years old with that pregnancy and women over 40 have a higher risk of developing preeclampsia. I know because I'm living this right now.
Thanks Robin. A great pregnancy for you is in my prayers! my mom had all of us really young so she kinda flew right threw all 4 pregnancys. my younger brothers & sister's mom also did great with them but still had to have a c-section because they were tripletts.

My grandmother had terrible problems with pregnancy, she was what they called (back then) a habitual aborter. she lost like 5 babies at 6-8 months and also had 1 stillborn.
My father is her only child that lived and he was the size of a premie when she gave birth at 10.5 months!!!

I am really hoping that when i decide to do this it all goes well and i didn't inherit anything bad!!
Robin'sBrood :

Back to the topic of why the 19th Duggar baby was a premie... Michelle had gallbladder problems during the pregnancy and developed preeclampsia while in the hospital. Her blood pressure shot way up and they had to do an emergency c-section, when she was less than 25 weeks along with Josie. Michelle was 43 years old with that pregnancy and women over 40 have a higher risk of developing preeclampsia. I know because I'm living this right now.

Aren't you due any minute???

I too admire this family. They have done a great job raising their kids, and self sufficiently too.​

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