2 broody hens...1 clutch


9 Years
Jul 24, 2011
Moriarty, NM
I have a hen that's been sitting for three weeks apparently about 3 days ago another hen went broody and now they are sitting on top of each other on top of the eggs. Today is hatch day but I dont know if any will hatch. I saw a broken egg shell just now so I'm assuming one had hatched but I cant see under the two hens Will they smother the babies if they do hatch? Will they fight over any babies? I've never done this before. When she went broody I got 6 fertilized eggs from someone and put under her. But I dont even know if the broken shell means we've had a hatch or if they are going to fight over any babies that do hatch Any words of wisdom for me?
Two mamas are better than one, especially if it is a large clutch. Sometimes they will divide the babies, sometimes they will coparent all of them together. Keep an eye on things and be ready to separate the noobie in the case she isn't deep enough into broodiness to actually accept chicks.

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