2 day old chick with spraddle leg?


Oct 11, 2016
Windsor, Ontario, CA
He can’t get around very well. He just lays on his belly with his feet out to the sides. I tried making him a brace with a bandaid but he couldn’t get up. Any ideas?
I would use the bandaid or a strip of vet wrap and tape the legs within 1 1/4 inch apart. Then work with it on standing, holding, and trying to balance. Leave the hobble on for at least 3 days to 5 days, but it can be removed and replaced. Placing it in the chick chair or in a sling may also help, but the hobble should be in place. The little bottle caps in the pic are used for food and water.

Make sure their is a non-slip surface such as pine shavings, paper towel, or similar so they can grip the floor. Start some chick vitamins as well, since they can help with leg and foot problems.

There are some good sites to read about leg problems in chicks, such as TheChickenChick.com, and Poultry Pedia Podiatry, and FreshEggsDaily if you Google those.
I just had a chick hatch 3 days ago with spraddle leg, I used this method, and it worked beautifully. I took it off after 2 days, and though her gait is still wider than normal, it improves every day, as she builds strength.
If you do this, just make sure that you check it a few times a day to make sure it didn’t tighten, twist, or slide out of position. My elastic ended up twisting and probably would have made a sore on her leg had I not caught it.


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I just had a chick hatch 3 days ago with spraddle leg, I used this method, and it worked beautifully. I took it off after 2 days, and though her gait is still wider than normal, it improves every day, as she builds strength.
If you do this, just make sure that you check it a few times a day to make sure it didn’t tighten, twist, or slide out of position. My elastic ended up twisting and probably would have made a sore on her leg had I not caught it.
Ps, I used a small elastic hair tile, and tape in the center. I’ve heard of people using bandaids as well. You could get creative. :)
I tried making him a chair, and he would kick around and chirp and try to get out, then go completely limp. I took him out and he stopped freaking out. So I tried making the hobbles. He couldn’t stand, and I tried to help him but when I let go he fell over and layed on his back. I’m concerned that if I leave him with either one of these he’s going to get hurt. What if I didn’t do anything? Is there any chance he will learn to walk? He seems a lot happier just wiggling around the brooder.
If you do nothing, he'll never get the muscle to support himself and will continue "wiggling around." Worse, his bones will grow in that position, and you'll never be able to fix it.

The chance of his "growing out of it" is nonexistant. He simply can't move his legs into a position in which they can grow properly.

I'm sorry, but sometimes you really do have to be cruel to be kind. Have you considered wrapping him in a towel to immobilise him while he's wearing the splint?

Four days is generally considered the limit for easily healing a chick with spraddle leg. After that, it just gets more and more difficult.
If you do nothing, he'll never get the muscle to support himself and will continue "wiggling around." Worse, his bones will grow in that position, and you'll never be able to fix it.

The chance of his "growing out of it" is nonexistant. He simply can't move his legs into a position in which they can grow properly.

I'm sorry, but sometimes you really do have to be cruel to be kind. Have you considered wrapping him in a towel to immobilise him while he's wearing the splint?

Four days is generally considered the limit for easily healing a chick with spraddle leg. After that, it just gets more and more difficult.
So should I put the split on his leg and wrap him up in a towel? ( try to make it as natural as possible ) how long do I leave him like that for? And he can walk a little bit normally, but for the most part he has trouble getting up, and when he sits his legs splay to the side.

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