2 duck eggs WHAT DO I DO!!!!

If you leave them she will add to them and maybe set them. You'll have to buy an incubator if your wanting to hatch them yourself. If they're just a couple days old they are still fine to eat or incubate.
You can eat them they don't have ducklings in them. Mallard domestic breeds take 27-31 days to hatch.
So will nature take its course and will they eventually turn to babies if I just leave them alone? Why do people get incubators ? Can’t they just handle it on their own “the ducks”
When it is warm enough food is plentiful, and weather is good, a ducks hormones will tell her that it is time to hatch babies. She will choose a hidden place, (under a bush, in long grass, ferns etc) to lay a clutch of 6-20 eggs. Whilst she is still laying eggs to fill up the nest she will not sit on them, meaning there will be no ducklings in the eggs, only cells, that if incubated could become a duckling.

When she has built up her clutch she will begin to sit on them, in a process called incubation. The eggs are kept at a very specific temperature by the mother duck. For 28 days the mother duck will sit on her eggs, turning them three times a day to prevent the growing baby from sticking to the side of the egg. After 28 days the duckling will emerge.

If you would like to hatch your duck eggs then I would recommend checking out Incubator Warehouse at this link:http://incubatorwarehouse.com/egg-incubators.html
The eggs will not hatch if you just leave them, and it is unlikely that your duck is going broody, as she looks to be a hatchery breed, bred for egg production, not broodiness.

If you don't want to hatch eggs just eat them, duck eggs are very good in baking.

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