2 Ducks died of tumors, one more showing signs


Dec 19, 2021
Hi, so for the past couple of months, I have had very alarming concerns with my ducks and need help badly. I have 5 ducks right now, but 2 died in the past couple of months from what was identified as cancer. One had tumors in his testes and liver, while another had one between his wing. I have a third one that's now showing symptoms of lethargy, and I'm unsure of what to do. I want to say its just because they're old, because this one is 11, but the ones that died as of recent were 8. I've debated on moving them out of their pen to get things situated, but I don't really know what the best solution is right now and I'm scared. Any help I would be grateful for.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Have you send them away for necropsy to see whats gping on?
I did for the first one, it came back with liver and testicular cancer. We first assumed it was bird flu, but it seems other ducks have been showing signs of this issue now and it's scaring me. Especially since this is our last male, one I've had since I was a child. Any help would I would be grateful for.
I am going to tag @Miss Lydia . I suppose it could be to an avian virus called lymphoid leukosis. Very sorry for your loss.
Edited to say that like Mareks disease, lymphoid leukosis, is a disease of chickens. So I don’t know if the cancers you are seeing are caused by a virus or disease.
I don’t have any advice as I haven’t had to deal with this yet
I really just wanted to say I’m sorry for your losses
I really hope you can figure this out
it's okay, these two recent deaths were from a few months ago.
on that subject, I don't think this is the cause of these problems but could mold be the issue? I have lots of hay around the pen, and it's been raining for a while. Should I change that at all?
My current theory is that it's something in the soil, but I can't confirm that in any rational way aside from botulism. That wouldn't explain tumors growing in my ducks.
the only thing coming up is aflatoxins. I know its a fungal mold but how do i stop this? It may have been infecting my pen for months and I never realized.
it's okay, these two recent deaths were from a few months ago.
on that subject, I don't think this is the cause of these problems but could mold be the issue? I have lots of hay around the pen, and it's been raining for a while. Should I change that at all?
My current theory is that it's something in the soil, but I can't confirm that in any rational way aside from botulism. That wouldn't explain tumors growing in my ducks.
That’s a possibility
I know mould can cause issues
Not sure if it’s that type of issue but I would remove all the wet hay right away and disinfect the heat you can with safe stuff
I use soap and vinegar to clean
I agree with @New duck mommy 2021 take all the old hay out and clean any mold White vinegar and water is a safe way to clean. Oxine ah is good for disinfecting and killing viruses. But it has to be ordered online.

Also just like us humans age we age we are more suseptable to illness more so than when young. So there may be no way of knowing for sure what caused the cancer in your 2 that died.
If you can ordering some Oxine ah that you can use safely around your ducks and also treat for fungus. I have used it for years and wouldn't be without it.

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