2 Ducks died of tumors, one more showing signs

Update: Old duck and the mate of the ducks that passed were taken to the vet.
No signs of tumors in either but arthritis was found in the latter. Still, i don’t get whats wrong with them since this is too coincidental to just be age.
My Muscovy drake will be 12 yrs old June the 1st this year he has arthritis I give him Cosequin daily I sprinkle it over a tasty treat put a little warm water on it to mix in the powder and let it sit until the water is absorbed so he get full dose. A friend took her duck to the vet and he rec she put her duck on the Cosequin and she told me about it since she knew my drake was having problems.
Now the old one isn’t eating. I felt his crop and I can clearly feel his ribs. What do I do?
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I can't go against your moms wishes.
If he isn't eating I don't know what else you can
Have you tried offering a warm soup out of their feed? sometimes they will drink their feed when not feeling their best.
Also if you tube feed them properly they won't be hurt.
Update: he’s getting really light, it’s worrying. I’m not sure if he can see, although he chases off the hens in the pen if they get close.
Update: He passed away this morning
The weather was too much, and he was too weak to do anything. I feel like by the time I was debating, I think it was already too late since he felt way too light, and was acting lethargic. I want to dwell on it, but he had been showing signs for a while that he was succumbing to age.
Still, he lived a long life, and I don’t think the tube would’ve fixed much. He didn’t show signs of tumors at the vet and I think it was down to just age.
The Cayuga’s doing better though, her legs have recovered mostly, although the rest of the girls are upset that the drake they’ve been around for the past year is now gone. I’m kind of aimless too, since I had him since I was a kid.
Thank you for the help though, all of you. I do wish I handled things better but I think it was just his time.


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