2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture

So today didn't go as planned, I went to have the port put in and because my blood work wasn't great they decided against it at least until my platelet count was higher (I am not a Dr and have no idea how or why that determines whether or not to have a surgical procedure but it does) so for now I will continue having the infusions via an IV , just a small hump in the road. I won't lie, I know you all think I'm so tough and strong but I didn't take the news very well at all and came home and cried by myself sitting with the ducks at the pond. I wanted so badly to call my mom and tell her everything that was happening but we don't have a very functional relationship so I just vented to the ducks. The most amazing thing happened as I was sitting there with tears freezing down my face. Ravyn swam over to me and without fear sat right at the end of my foot. I was so shocked I didn't dare move and then a few moments later he climbed up into my lap nuzzled up and shut his eyes. I was FREAKING out!! You all know the struggles I have had with these ducks and now 1 of them is in my lap, wtheck is going on!!! I say there for probably an hour and then walked back up thinking our love fest was over. Nope. In tow right at my feet was Ravyn aka Ray since it's a boy..We came up and I was able to bend down and without fear this duck stepped right into my hands and let me pick him up!!! I can't make this up!! I'm still in shock and a state of confusion over this duck deciding I wasn't the enemy at all. He's still with me inside just laying here.... I am happier than I have been in a long time....
Animals know just what we need when we need it.
So today didn't go as planned, I went to have the port put in and because my blood work wasn't great they decided against it at least until my platelet count was higher (I am not a Dr and have no idea how or why that determines whether or not to have a surgical procedure but it does) so for now I will continue having the infusions via an IV , just a small hump in the road. I won't lie, I know you all think I'm so tough and strong but I didn't take the news very well at all and came home and cried by myself sitting with the ducks at the pond. I wanted so badly to call my mom and tell her everything that was happening but we don't have a very functional relationship so I just vented to the ducks. The most amazing thing happened as I was sitting there with tears freezing down my face. Ravyn swam over to me and without fear sat right at the end of my foot. I was so shocked I didn't dare move and then a few moments later he climbed up into my lap nuzzled up and shut his eyes. I was FREAKING out!! You all know the struggles I have had with these ducks and now 1 of them is in my lap, wtheck is going on!!! I say there for probably an hour and then walked back up thinking our love fest was over. Nope. In tow right at my feet was Ravyn aka Ray since it's a boy..We came up and I was able to bend down and without fear this duck stepped right into my hands and let me pick him up!!! I can't make this up!! I'm still in shock and a state of confusion over this duck deciding I wasn't the enemy at all. He's still with me inside just laying here.... I am happier than I have been in a long time....

Oh, that's so sweet! Maybe you're coming to the end of the rebellious teenage duck stage.
So today didn't go as planned, I went to have the port put in and because my blood work wasn't great they decided against it at least until my platelet count was higher (I am not a Dr and have no idea how or why that determines whether or not to have a surgical procedure but it does) so for now I will continue having the infusions via an IV , just a small hump in the road. I won't lie, I know you all think I'm so tough and strong but I didn't take the news very well at all and came home and cried by myself sitting with the ducks at the pond. I wanted so badly to call my mom and tell her everything that was happening but we don't have a very functional relationship so I just vented to the ducks. The most amazing thing happened as I was sitting there with tears freezing down my face. Ravyn swam over to me and without fear sat right at the end of my foot. I was so shocked I didn't dare move and then a few moments later he climbed up into my lap nuzzled up and shut his eyes. I was FREAKING out!! You all know the struggles I have had with these ducks and now 1 of them is in my lap, wtheck is going on!!! I say there for probably an hour and then walked back up thinking our love fest was over. Nope. In tow right at my feet was Ravyn aka Ray since it's a boy..We came up and I was able to bend down and without fear this duck stepped right into my hands and let me pick him up!!! I can't make this up!! I'm still in shock and a state of confusion over this duck deciding I wasn't the enemy at all. He's still with me inside just laying here.... I am happier than I have been in a long time....

Now that's one of the most moving things I've read in a long time. He wanted you to smile, not cry! :love
Hang in there Lucy. Platelets help control your clotting mechanisms in you blood. You don't want to start bleeding and not be able to stop. Been there, done that, it's a bummer. Docs know what they are doing. Have faith and wait. It will happen for you.

Your little Ray is a very empathic little ducky. Cherish every moment because sooner or later the little bag of feathers is going to go rogue on you again, just like a typical teenager, LOL.

Try not to feel too bad. It's a bit of a let down but you'll get there. Try to eat as much as you can. I know that is hard right now too, but it will help you feel better if you can keep your blood sugar out of the basement. Our kitty crashed his blood sugar the other day. We found him with his nose an inch away from the garbage can trying to figure out how to get around it and failing. When we accu checked him it was 50.
Boy did we scramble. Don't want to hear that you've ran into a garbage can and can't figure out your way around it!

Did I make ya smile? Hope so!
:love omg :love such a sweet little move on Ravyns part (both duck and human lol)

Big :hugs I know it is a set back but when it is time it'll happen and we will all still be here cheering you on

I had a scare recently, the doctor found 2 tumors in my bladder and said he thought they were cancerous because of the problems I had been having and the way they looked. I had to have to have a biopsy to know for sure that was the end of November, I had surgery Dec.7th

I went through 2 weeks of hell not knowing what I was going to do, I thought of my 3 children whos dad died 10 years ago and how theyd be alone. I thought about my farm and all my animals that I loved so much, my boyfriend, It was absolutely horrifying!!!

Luckily on the 11th I found out mine came back as non cancerous but just going through that scare for 2 weeks I could only imagine what you are going through!
My heart goes out to you, I know it is very scary, but I also know there is hope and people who have survived, some who have survived some pretty bad odds.
It sounds like you have alot to live for just never give up even when thats all you want to do, keep going, fight harder just keep your eyes open if thats all you can do but never ever give up-thats the key! -Just like youve refused to give up on those twins!

Were all routing for you!!!

Happy for you Teaton, and Lucy you are in my prayers.
Lucy, I have just caught up reading this thread...a little every day over several days.
A kinship with you has formed while following the many posts you have shared.
Your courage and commitment fighting your cancer so reminds me of my mother's determination to undergo both radiation and chemo in her fight against her cancer.
The challenges of fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, nausea and losing beautiful hair all bring tears of remembrance. Sadly my mother's cancer was not caught soon enough for her to win her battle...she was gone in 6 weeks, but she had made the choice to fight knowing the facts. We were able to support her on her journey.
I am thrilled to hear that your battle will be over soon and that your outcome is so positive.
It has been a joy following your first duck hatches as I was successful in my first hatching of my trio from purchased eggs just last September. The joys and frustrations of rearing these babies in the winter are shared.
Your desire to form a sanctuary for the wild ducks on your property mirror ours on our farm with the many Canadian geese, Mallards and other waterfowl that visit our many ponds.
Bless you and your family on this journey. May you continue to grow in strength, wisdom and confidence in your future.
A few photos...




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